Chapter 18. Goldie's Past

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Your POV

I wake up to a sudden sound. "Please don't hurt me!" I say shocked. Oh my parents they.......wait a second.........oh yeah!! I'm in the pizzeria. I sigh in relief. "(Y/n), you're stupid as hell." I giggle. I look at the clock and see that it's exactly 8 am. I stand up and look in the mirror. "Wow, my hair is a mess." I say. I open the drawer of the dressing table and see a hairbrush. I gladly grab it and brush my hair. Suddenly I hear music and singing. Oh my...I don't know who's singing, but he has a beautiful voice. I'm getting curious and decide to take a look. I exit my room and make my way to the party room.
I lean against the wall in the hall and see Freddy, Chica and Bonnie perform on stage. Wow, the beautiful voice belongs to Freddy!! I smile and watch them perform.

After the song has ended,everyone's clapping and cheering. It makes my heart flutter when I see people this happy. "God how much I want to join them right now. But I'm so tired." I mumble. I walk back to my room to get some sleep again. But then I start to think. "Instead of going to my room, I could also check this place out." I smirk.

Golden Freddy's POV

I sigh and lean against the wall. I miss the old days when I was performing on stage with Springtrap. It was wonderful how all the kids smiled to us and enjoyed our songs. But the days are over now..and still it's all my fault. I never wanted to hurt that little boy. I just...I don't know. I really do miss the old days, but there is one thing I miss even more....Springtrap. My old friend. We were always together and now...he's totally someone else. I'm not even calling him Springbonnie anymore. He changed his name to Springtrap. And I'm the only one in this entire pizzeria who knows that he isn't really gone. He' Deactivated, broken....I still don't get how he has changed so much. The 'Springtrap' I used to know was lovely, caring, and nice. Now he has changed into a bad and cruel animatronic. And the worst part is, I can't bring him back to normal. I've tried it so many times, but it's just impossible. I had to deactivate him..he was about to murder me.....
Nobody knows that Springtrap is here, except for me. I've told the animatronics before how cruel Springtrap had changed in the old days, and I know they will fear for him if they know he's here. Although he is deactivated, so he can't hurt anyone. But still...I don't want them to be scared. I can't even imagine...Springtrap wandering around..if he gets Freddy, Chica, Foxy or Bonnie in his claws.....or (y/n)....that won't end good....I shake it off and look up against the ceiling. I grab the iPad and check the camera's. I don't have anything to do, so why not. I click on the stage camera and see Freddy, Chica and Bonnie perform for the kids. I sigh and click on the basement camera, the room where Springtrap is. I can see a bit of his arm behind the wall. I can't help but stare at his arm. And before I know it, the memories are flowing in my mind...

Your POV

I look up and see a sign with: 'Parts and Service'. I enter the room and turn on the light. "Woah!!" I say. The creepy animatronic heads are scaring the living hell out of me. "So scary..." I say and then my eyes fall on the table. Not a good idea. A jump from pure shock in the air and hit my head. "Aaahhhhh fuck!!" I scold and grab my head. What the hell is that thing on the table!? Is this what they put in the suits or something? So if you remove the suits of Freddy and the others they look like this? Alright, never remove their suits. Otherwise I won't take one step closer to them. It looks so creepy. I turn off the light and close the door. Still rubbing my head, why am I always getting so scared easily....anyways let's continue checking this place out. I walk down the hall and see a door. Something in me says not to open it, but my curiosity is far too big. I open the door and a light automatically switches on. I just entered a basement! The door suddenly closes behind me, causing me to jump again. Jesus, quit it (y/n)!! So the door closes automatically, woooow that's scary. I walk down the stairs and all I see is some boxes with stuff in it and that's all. I make my way again to the stairs to leave the basement, but then I catch something from the corner of my eye. I turn around and see....something? I have no idea what it is. I walk a bit closer to it and see that it's an animatronic arm. "What the hell?" I say. Is there something behind that wall? I set my final steps and see an animatronic sitting against the wall. I yell and once again jump in the air. I lose my balance and fall down. "Ughh...what a day.." I mumble. I stand up and observe the animatronic. It is green and totally broken. I can see some wires. This animatronic is really scary.

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