Chapter 12. Tricked

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~the next morning~

Freddy's POV

Bonnie, Chica and I are standing on the stage. It's Sunday, so we have the day off. I sigh. I wonder when (y/n) is coming back. I hope it will be very soon. I've only known her for one day, but she seems very nice and sweet. But also, something about her seems off. I don't know what, but that doesn't matter now. All that matters is that I feel that I can trust her. Plus she kicked Mike and that was fun. I sigh and close my eyes. "Hey, hey! Wake up!" I open my eyes and see Goldie. "Yeah, I'm awake." "Good, because I have some news for you."

Your POV

I hear the doorbell ringing. Again. But now I wonder who it is, it can't be Sam. I yawn and get out of my bed. When I reach the front door I see a woman and a man talking to each other, waiting. I don't recognize them, but I open the door. "Uhm, hello?" I say. "Hello, I am Feliciya and this is Harold. We take care of the children in the foster home in the town Quince." (I don't even know if that is a real town but okay xD) My eyes widen. No. I'm not going to that stupid foster home again. I only have to go there because my parents think I won't behave myself at home. I'm definitely not going there again. Shit, I should've known earlier that this would happen. My parents tricked me again. Ughh, for fuck's sake. "Hey, uh, listen. Last year I went there too, and I'm not going again. Bye." I close my door and lock it. I run upstairs and walk in my room. But then....I hear something. No....NO! They're putting a key in the gate! My parents must have given them a second housekey. I feel in my pocket a key. It's a key of the pizzeria! I must have forgotten to put the key back! Suddenly the front door bursts open. Luckily I have a balcony. I open the door of it and hear the shitty people running on the stairs. It's now or never. I climb out of the balcony and start to run down the street. "Come back!!" I ignore it and start to run even faster, straight to the pizzeria. What do I have to do? I run and run, I don't know what I feel. Scared, angry or sad. Thank god I have the key of the restaurant.

Freddy's POV

~9 minutes later~

"'re saying we're getting new animatronics?" I ask. Goldie nods. "Really!? Oh my god! Excitinggggg!" Chica cheers. "Hmm. I don't know if I should be happy with that." "Oh come on, Foxy! We can make new friends!" "Hm.." Then we hear a key entering the gate and the front door smashes open. We all turn around and see....(y/n)? She is completely exhausted, breathing heavily. "(Y/n)? Are you alright?" She slowly nods and closes the door. She walks shakily, unsteady over to us. " that normal?" Chica asks. Suddenly she stands still and her eyes are slowly closing, her body and head slowly moving to the right and the left. "Watch out she's going to faint!!" Goldie warns. We all start to run, but Goldie is faster. He teleports over to her and grabs her. (Y/n)'s body is slowly falling into Goldie's chest. "NOOOO!! SHE'S DEAD!!!" Chica yells. "REALLY!? OH...OH...NO!!" Bonnie is almost sobbing. I sigh frustrated. "No, guys. She is not dead, nor is she dying." Goldie lifts her up and looks around. "We have to lay her down somewhere. We can bring her to the beds backstage, but Scott's desk in his office is now nearby. She has to lay down now." Freddy nods.

Your POV

~5 minutes later~

Alright, what happened? Uhhh.....oh yeah. I almost had to make my way to the foster home in Quince. But I succesfully escaped and ran away. I...uhh...wanted to go to the pizzeria......wait...did I made it? No! They caught me! Or didn't they? I hear sounds. Voices. No! They did caught me!! "STAY AWAY!!" I yell, opening my eyes. But then I see Freddy and...a golden bear. Both looking shocked and worried. "(y/n), calm down it's only us!" Freddy says. "Oh I'm sorry..I.." I scratch the back of my head. "I feel a bit sick..." "No wonder, you fainted." I look up at the golden animatronic. "Really?" He nods. "And wait...I've never seen you before...who are you?" "I'm Golden Freddy, but call me Goldie." "I'm (y/n)." "(Y/n), what happened to you? You were totally exhausted when you came in." Freddy asks. "Uhm..I.." Alright, so mostly parents bring their child to a foster home because they can't take care of their child anymore. My parents are bringing me to a foster home temporary, because they think I won't behave myself at home and don't trust me. And if a parent doesn't trust you, there are things going on. My parents think I'm a bad child, if there's something wrong, I'm the one to blame. Freddy and the others will find out my parents are treating me badly. "(Y/N)!!!" Freddy snaps. Just say something! "Ah uhm, yeah I was being followed by some guys on the street..they were creeping me the hell out and...I thought they were going to hurt me, they kept stalking me so...I ran straight to the pizzeria." I lie. I doubt they'll believe this. "Is that the truth? It sounds pretty much like a lie." Goldie says. I nod. "It's true." I hate to lie, but I have to. I don't want them to know it. "Uhmm...I don't think I can go home today. They are probably still in my house." SHIT WHAT AM I SAYING!?!? "In your house? I thought those guys were on the street?" Goldie asks. "Oh...yeah...uhh...I think I'm a bit...confused...I'm sorry I don't feel very good..." I say. And the last one was not a lie. I do feel a bit sick. "Come, lay down on the bed." I stand up and try to walk but I feel so shaky. "Don't walk, I wanted to lift you up." Freddy lifts me up and we walk out of the office. "(Y/n)? What about your parents? Don't you have to call them?" Goldie asks. Uhhh....

I shake my head. "No, they're not home. They're on vacation." Goldie lifts one eyebrow. "Without you?" I'm breaking a sweat. I feel my cheeks become a bit warm. "Uhh, yeah. It's just the two of them." Goldie and Freddy look at each other. Shit..I hope they don't find out...let's clear this up. "But it's okay with me! I've said that I have a new job, so I wasn't able to go with them." "Oooh, okay." Freddy says. I look at Goldie, he still has a puzzled look on his face, but at least he doesn't ask about it anymore. From deep inside, I sigh in relief. Freddy puts me down on the bed. "Thanks." I say. He smiles. "It's better if you rest now. Are you coming, Goldie?" "You go. I'll be there in just a second." Freddy nods and walks away. Goldie turns around to face me. "(y/n), is it true what you're saying?" "Yes, why?" Goldie looks at me right in my eyes. "I've got a feeling that you're lying. And that you're holding something back." I start a fake laugh. He lifts one eyebrow. Shit, maybe laughing was not a good idea. "Uhm, Goldie, everything is fine. I'm telling the truth. Oh, and uhh..maybe we should get to know each other better." I smile. "I mean, I got to know the others yesterday, but not you." "Well, you know my name, uhh..I'm kind of-" "GOLDIE!! BONNIE STOLE MY PIZZA!!" Goldie sighs. "BON, GIVE CHICA HER PIZZA BACK." "You're kind of the father here?" I giggle. Goldie giggles too. "Kind of yeah." I smile. "I think you are really nice, Goldie." "Same to you, (y/n). But really, if there's something bothering you..tell me." he says and stands up. He turns around and walks away. "Wait, Goldie!" He turns around. "Yes?" "What if Scott comes back?" I ask. "It's almost the end of the morning, (y/n). Scott is never here on Sunday. He comes back tomorrow. So don't worry about it." "Okay." I answer. "Get some rest." I nod and get under the covers. "We'll check on you later." With that he walks away.
I sigh. I really don't want to lie, but I just don't want them to find out what's really going on at home. And with all the worries, I fall asleep.

Freddy's POV

It's half an hour later. "Should we go check on (y/n)?" I ask. Goldie nods. We both stand up and walk to (y/n). When we arrive at her it seems that she is asleep. "She's asleep.." Goldie says. I nod. We both walk away and Goldie starts talking again. "Do you believe her?" I look at him. "What?" "The reason why she came here." I shrug. "I don't know. It did sound a bit like a lie, but..." Goldie nods. "Exactly. I don't fully believe it. I don't know, but I have a strange feeling that it's not going well with her at home. But of course I can be wrong. Let's just forget about this untill we'll find out some more." I nod and think about it. What if (y/n) is having a bad time at home? Well.....I will do anything to complete this mystery...

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