Chapter 45. Needles And Tears

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~2 days later~

Your POV

I wake up and yawn. "Well, new day. Let's go to Freddy." I say. I blink a few times.

Wait, what!?

I look around and see I'm not in my room. Where am I? I get out of the bed and walk over to the window. All I can see is a big street. "Where the hell am I!?" I start to freak out. "(Y/n)...." I suddenly hear behind me. "What!?" I snap and turn around. I see a boy with dark, blonde hairs and dark brown eyes. "Wait...G-Goldie?" I say. "(Y/n)!!!!" He says and runs over to me. He gives me a hug. "Ohhh I've missed you so much!" I smile at his words, but I have no idea where he's talking about. "Goldie, I don't know where you're talking about." I say. He let go of me and I see a single tear roll down. "Hey!" I say and wipe it away. "Why are you crying?" I ask. "I'm not crying, I'm just happy to see you." He replies. "That's so sweet. But still, what's going on? Where are we?" I ask. He was about to respond, when someone walked in. "Oh you're awake!" She smiles and walks over to me and Goldie. I lift one eyebrow. "What?" "You've been unconscious for almost 3 full days." She says. "Whaaaat!? I in hospital right now?" I ask. The paramedic nods. Alright, so I know where I am now. "But...what happened?" "You might not remember this, (y/n), but you fell on your head. You were unconscious right after that." Goldie explains. "I....don't remember." I answer. "That's normal. Don't worry about it. You'll remember it sooner or later." The paramedic says. "Is she free to go?" Goldie asks. "Yes." She makes her way over to me. "I'm going to remove your bandages (y/n)." "Bandages?" I ask and touch my head. I feel bandages wrapped around my head. "Oh...didn't notice they were there..." I say. She chuckles. "It's okay."


"Can I go home now?" I ask. "Almost. I'll give you an injection with morphine." My heart skips a beat. "Why?" I ask. "For the pain." She answers. My eyes widen when I see her grabbing a syringe needle. "I don't need that! I'm fine! I'm not in pain! I don't feel anything!" I quickly say, hoping I won't get that sharp, scary needle in my skin. "You might not be in pain right now, but your head will hurt badly later. That's why I have to give you this injection." "Can't you just give me some medicine instead-or wait-nevermind!!! I'll be fine!!" I say. "Come on, (y/n)." I sigh deep. God, I'm so afraid.
"Sit down." She says. I sit down on the bed and she walks over to me, syringe needle in her hand. She gently grabs my right arm and I hold my breath. "(Y/n), stop quivering. I can't put it in if your arm is moving back and forth." I try to be calm and she moves the needle closer to my skin. I pull my arm back when the point of the needle almost touches my skin. It startled the nurse so badly, she dropped the needle. "(Y/n)!" She exclaims shocked. "Sorry..." I apologize. She picks it up and cleans the needle. Goldie walks over to me.
"Let me grab your arm, little troublemaker." I chuckle of the sudden new nickname he gave me. He holds my arm and the paramedic walks over to us again. I hold my breath again and close my eyes for a couple of seconds. "Are you done yet?" I squeak out. "I'm not even in your skin yet." She replies. "When-Haaa!" I flinch when I feel the needle enter my skin. "You're doing fine." Goldie says. I remain sitting there with my eyes closed. After a couple of seconds she removes the needle and she quickly sticks a plaster on the spot where she injected me. I sigh in relief when the hell is finally over. "Ready to go?" Goldie asks me. I nod. "Of course!" "Take care!" The paramedic says and smiles. "I will. And thank you!" "No problem!"
And with that Goldie and I exit the building.

Goldie's POV

I walk with (y/n) towards the pizzeria. I look at her and she's staring at her plaster. "I didn't know you were afraid of syringe needles." I say. She looks at me. "Well, now you do. I hate them! I also hate medicine, except for an Asperin......" she trails off. I chuckle. We walk down the street as (y/n) suddenly stops walking. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" I ask. "I remember it! I..I was backstage, waiting for Freddy, Bonnie and Chica to come off the stage. We were talking and suddenly Springtrap pulled me towards him so Chica, Bonnie and Freddy pulled me back...uhh...Freddy kicked Springtrap to the ground.....and I fell.....I...guess?" I nod. "Yup. Bonnie and Chica told me what happened." "Wait...they fell with me, right? Are they okay!?" she asks worriedly. "Yes, don't worry. They're fine, but..." I think about Freddy. "But...?" She says. "Maybe it's better if I tell you that when we're at the pizzeria." I say. "Okay." she answers.

After a couple of minutes we arrive at the pizzeria. I open the front doors and we both step in. I turn back in my animatronic form. "(Y/n)!!" Chica runs towards her. Knowing Chica, she will hug the living hell out of (y/n). I step in front of (y/n). "Chica, easy! She just got out of hospital!" Chica stops right in front of me. "Yes, yes!" She says, jumping up and down. "Chica, I mean it!" Chica quits jumping and nods. "I'll be reaaaaally careful." I step aside and she hugs (y/n). "I've missed you so much!!" (Y/n) smiles and hugs back. Soon all the animatronics are approaching us.

Your POV

"Are you okay?" Chica asks, as she let go of me. I nod. "Yes, I'm fine." I look over at the animatronics and smile at them. I look for a certain brown bear, but I can't find him.
"Hey, where's Freddy?" I ask. The animatronics are suddenly avoiding eye contact with me. I get a weird feeling inside. What's going on? I look at Goldie, who is standing besides me. I remember he was going to tell me has to do something with Freddy? "Guys? What's going on?" I look at the animatronics and back at Goldie. He places his hand on my shoulder and sighs. "After you fell, Freddy noticed your head was bleeding. He, Bonnie and Chica needed to get on stage, but you needed help. Freddy could only think of one thing. Picking you up and go to Scott." "No..." I whisper. "Scott deactivated him....we have no idea where he is right now. Cadey said to the people that Freddy picked you up and brought you to them, but the people wouldn't believe that and they still think...Freddy bit you." "But....that's not true!" I say. I feel the tears coming up, but I hold them back with all my strength. "I'll be back later..." I say. I walk over to my room and sit down on the bed. I let the tears stream down and I expect to see Springtrap soon. "Oh, dear! You're back~" There he is. He notices my tears and he lifts my chin up. "What's wrong, my dear?" he asks. That's it. I don't care what he's going to do when I say this, but I need to give him a piece of my mind. "You...." I growl. He lifts one eyebrow. "You made me go to hospital, you freak! You made Freddy go away! Well, hurray! You did it, Springtrap. You ruined my life." I yell frustrated. And with that I exit my room, closing the door with a loud bang. I enter the office and close both doors. I sit down on the desk and drop my head between my knees. Oh, Freddy....I miss you...please come back...

Goldie's POV

I heard (y/n) yelling in her room. I decide to take a look, but when I walk down the hall I see that the doors of the office are closed. I lift one eyebrow. I look through the window and see (y/n) sitting on the desk. Poor girl.....well...I'll be there for her and she knows it. I teleport into the office. Damn, teleporting is so handy in situations like this. I plop down besides her and immediately pull her against my chest. She sighs sadly and I pet her head. "It's going to be alright, okay? I'm sure Freddy comes back." I reassure her. "I sure hope so.." she says. I'm very surprised her voice sounds...normal. I expected a shaky, sad voice. "You know what?" she says. She looks up at me. A couple of tears streaming down. She wipes them away. "I'm going to tell Scott what happened. Maybe I can convince him to get him back." she says. "Yes, you should defenitely do that." I say. She yawns and looks at me again. "Springtrap was in my room. I....maaaybe..." "Yelled at him?" I finish her sentence. " heard it?" I nod. "Well, I don't want to sleep there anymore. Can I please stay here with you? I know he can also teleport into the office with the doors both closed, but I don't care as long as you are here...." she says. I push her head gently against my chest. "I'll watch over you. Rest now, little troublemaker." She chuckles. "Goodnight." she says. "Sleep well." I say. I twist a lock of her hair around my finger and she soon falls asleep.

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