Chapter 56. Sick

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Freddy's POV

~that same night, Monday; 4 AM~

I open my eyes and check the clock. 4 am...I look at my right to face (y/n) least...I thought she would be there. But apparently she's not. I stand up and hear footsteps. I open the door and see (y/n) walking down the hallway. "(Y/n)." I whisper. She turns around and I walk over to her. "What are you doing? You're supposed to-" I notice her face is red and she's sweating. I lift one eyebrow. "(Y/n), are you sick?" "Y-Yeah..." she responds. At that moment she flinches and holds her stomach. "Wow are you okay?" I ask. She nods. "I really have a bad stomach ache.." "You need to rest. Why are you walking here in the first place?" I ask. "Ohh I was actually going to get some water buuuuut I don't think I need it anymore." she responds. "Well, alright. Let's go back then." She groans in pain and holds her stomach again. She rests her head on my shoulder. She's really in pain...
"(Y/n) hold on I'm going to get some painkillers for you." I suggest. "Okay." she responds. I walk away, but I immediately walk back to (y/n). "Wait, come with me. I don't like the idea of leaving you behind in pain." "Okay." she squeaks out, before holding her stomach again. I put an arm around her and we both walk to the kitchen.

"Painkillers...painkillers..." I mumble while looking through the medicines. I see from the corner of my eye (y/n) softly banging her head against the fridge, holding her stomach. She really must be in real pain. "Painkillers!" I say, while grabbing it. I fill a glass with water and (y/n) walks over to me. I hand her the painkillers and then suddenly the door of the kitchen opens. "What are you guys doing?" Goldie groans. (Y/n) and I both gasp. "Goldie! You're awake!" we both say. Goldie chuckles. "Sure am! Now, what are you guys doing here? It's past 4." "(Y/n) is sick." I respond. "Oh...what hurts?" he asks me, seeing that (y/n) can't respond because she has her mouth filled with water. "Stomach ache. Also, she's really hot." Goldie walks over to her and (y/n) puts the glass in the sink, while swallowing the water. "Wow. Really hot." Goldie says, placing one hand on her forehead. "You have a fever, (y/n)." "Wonderful." (y/n) says sarcastically. She groans in pain, holding her stomach once again. "I don't think the painkillers are working.." she mutters. "Just give it some time." I say. She walks to the door. "Pheww it's hot in here." Goldie and I look at each other, both knowing it's actually pretty cold out here. "I think she has a stomach ache because her mother punched her there real hard." I say. Goldie nods and looks at me. "What happened when I was unconscious?" he asks. "Well....(y/n) kind of lost control and began to fight with her mother. She also stabbed her father in the chest, but yeah....that's actually what happened. Mike called the police and now they're back in jail." I explain. "(Y/n) stabbed her father?" he repeats. I nod. "Yes. Her parents were pushing her way too far. Saying she was pathetic, that she's not coming up for herself. So...yeah...(y/n) stabbed her father. Enjoyed watching it though." Goldie looks at me with a confused look on his face. "Whoops, sorry. My bad. Noooo, reaaaally didn't enjoy watching (y/n) stabbing her father. No. No fun. Awful." I say. Goldie rolls his eyes and we both walk to (y/n)'s room. (Y/n) is already laying down on her bed. "Well, guys. I'm off to sleep. Goodnight!" Goldie says. "Goodnight!" (y/n) and I say, waving at Goldie. He closes the door and I walk over to (y/n). "Feeling better?" I ask. "Not really..." she sighs. I turn off the lights and lay besides her. (Y/n) groans in pain. "I hate this!!" she says frustrated. "How the heck am I going to sleep!?" I smile and begin to sing a song. "Freddy...I love your voice, but I won't sleep because of a sleeping song. That doesn't work for me." she says. I smirk and continue to sing for her.

I finish my song and hear soft breathing coming from (y/n). "(Y/n)?" I ask. No response. I chuckle and shake my head. Guess it actually does work for her. Liar.


Hey, guys! Sorry if this chapter is a little bit rushed. School started for me again so I'm really busy, but I wanted to make a chapter for you guys anyway. So, sorryyy! :P

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