Chapter 22. Behind Bars

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Your POV

I open my eyes and move around. I notice that my head is rested on Freddy's chest. Freddy plays with my hair and I see him looking at Goldie, not knowing I'm awake. "Goldie?" I hear Mangle say. "Yes, Mangle?" "Mike is hurt, but he doesn't let me help him." Goldie facepalms and walks over to her. "That stupid boy.." he mumbles. I feel my hair being twisted around Freddy's finger and he pushes me more against his chest. "Poor you..." he says. I get a warm feeling inside and close my eyes. Suddenly I hear someone walking over to Freddy. " she going to be okay?" It's Bonnie. "Yes, she will, Bon. Don't you worry, little buddy." I hear Bonnie sigh in relief and after that he walks away. Freddy plays with my hair again and he sighs. "How can people do this to you.." he mumbles. I open my eyes and look up. Freddy just stares at the stage and I look at him right in his eyes. "Freddy.." I whisper. He looks down and smiles. "Heeeeyyy!" he says. I throw my arms around his neck and rest my head on his chest again. He places one hand on my back. "Are you okay?" he asks. I nod. "What's the time?" "It's 5 am." "So the sun will come up soon.." I say. Freddy nods. "H-hey, what happened to my parents?" I ask. "Uuuhhh.." Freddy scratches the back of his head. "You and Goldie killed them..?" I ask. Freddy shakes his head. "No, they're in the backroom. Marionette is watching them and...I'm very sorry (y/n), but...Mike is going to call the cops." I gasp in shock and stand up. "No no no no!" I say and run away. "(Y/n), no wait! Come back!!" Freddy calls, but I ignore him. I run to the office but see that I'm too late. Mike is already calling them. Goldie sees me and I think he also sees my mood. He walks over to me and gently pushes me out of the office. "(Y/n), come-" "Goldie, no! Mike, put the phone down!!" I say with anger in my voice. Mike looks at me. "I'm sorry, (y/n)." he says, and he closes both doors of the office. I become really mad and Goldie tries to grab my arm but I slam the door of my room closed right in front of him. I fall down on my bed and cry it out. Now it's all over. The cops is going to send me to the foster home and I'll never get out of there. Why do the animatronics not get that!? My door opens and closes again and someone sits down on the edge of my bed. "Sssttt..." I hear it's Freddy and he rubs my back. "Freddy...c-can't you see I'm going to b-be send t-to the f-foster home now." I say between my sobs. "No, you won't, dear." "T-that's just what you think, b-but I know the c-cops." "Hey, stop it. You're not leaving us. You're not leaving me." he says. "Oh no!?" I suddenly snap. It even startled Freddy. "And what if I'm going to leave you guys, huh!? There's nothing you can do about it then!" "(Y/n), calm down!!" Freddy says. "No!" I cry. "You know I'm afraid of the cops!!" Right after that I push my face into my pillow. Stupid (y/n), stupid (y/n)! Why were you saying that!? "Uhh...nooo?" Freddy replies. "Nevermind." I mumble. "No, why are you afraid of the cops?" he asks. "Nevermind." I say again. "(Y/n)!" he says. "I don't want to talk about it." I say. He sighs. "Fine. I think I can better go now, since you're not enjoying my company." he stands up and my whole body is screaming for him to stay here, but my mouth is shut. He closes the door and walks away.
Goddamnit, (y/n). You're such an asshole. Freddy is trying to help you and you were so mean to him. Now you've hurt his feelings. Congratulations, (y/n).
I cry in my pillow and hear Mike saying: "Alright, thank you, bye." After that he tells all the animatronics to get back in their places, because the cops are on their way to the pizzeria. I hear Freddy saying to Mike that he has to be careful with me, because I'm pretty upset, and that I'm afraid for the cops, but he doesn't know why. That makes me cry even more. He still cares about me..and I was so mean to him. I really don't deserve Freddy as a friend. He is too good for me. Mike opens the door of my room and sees me crying. He sighs and suddenly he lifts me up. He puts me on his lap and I try to hold back the upcoming tears. "(Y/n), listen to me. Calling the cops was the best option. And don't worry, the cops is not suddenly going to send you away." "They will. They will send me to the foster home, because no one is then officially taking care of me." "Scott will." Mike says. I wipe away my tears. Would Scott really do that? "Plus, I also called Scott and he is on his way. Don't you know how worried he was about you?" Mike asks. I shake my head. "Well, believe me, he was. He asked if you were alright like four times." he says. "R-really?" I say. He nods. Then I remember that Mike had saved me tonight. "Oh yeah, Mike...thanks for everything. What you did tonight was incredible. You could've died-" "It's okay, (y/n). It's okay." he replies. I smile and again wipe away my tears. Then suddenly the front doors open and I start to quiver. I get of his lap and he walks out of my room.

Reader's POV

Scott arrives at the pizzeria and Mike walks over to him. "Is she alright!?" he asks worried. Mike nods. "Yes, but she's a bit upset." "Where are-" "In the backroom." And after that two men of the cops walk in. Mike explains everything and they all walk to the backroom."Ma'am, mister, I arrest you both for mistreating your child." Of course (y/n)'s parents protest, but luckily the cops is not even listening to them. They take them to their car and the oldest agent walks over to Scott. "I would like to speak to the victim." Scott nods but Mike warns him. "She is really afraid for the cops, and she is upset from everything that happened. Please take it easy." The agent nods and Mike leads him to (y/n)'s room. Mike knocks on the door and after that opens it. "(Y/n)?" he asks. "Y-yeah?" she replies. "The agent wants to talk to you." (Y/n) stands up and walks over to the agent. The agent introduces himself and he asks her to explain the whole story. So she did and the agent writes everything down.

"Alright, thank you." the agent stands up and walks away with Scott. "(Y/n) is now alone, so I was wondering if I could take care of her now?" The agent nods. "We'll take care of that, I find it a great idea. I see she's really comfortable when she's near you."

Your POV
"Is everything okay now, (y/n)?" Mike asks. "No." I say. "I have to leave, can't you guys see that!?" The front doors close, and Scott walks in. "(Y/n), listen." Scott says. "Yeah I know, I have to leave-" "I'm taking care of you." My eyes widen and I jump over to him and give him a big hug. "Ohh thank you thank you thank you!" I say happily. Scott chuckles. "The cops will take care of that." he adds. I can't believe it. I'm staying! Yay! Mike smiles and I smile back. "I hate to say it, but my wife is sick. Is it okay if I go now, (y/n)?" Scott asks. "Sure!" I reply. "I'll be fine." "I'll stay longer today to make sure you do fine." Mike says. Scott nods and exits the pizzeria. "(Y/n), I'm going to get some pizza and something to drink for you, alright?" he asks. "Awwww, Mike. Thanks!" I reply. He smiles and walks off. I sigh and close my eyes. What a day....and it's already a quarter past 6. I notice I'm quivering and suddenly feel two arms wrap around my stomach. I turn my head and see that it's Freddy. I slide over to him and instead of wrapping his arms around my stomach he throws one arm over my shoulder. "Freddy I'm so sorry I treated you like trash I was just so..." I sigh and can't explain it. "It's alright, dear. You weren't really treating me like that, and I understand. You were just upset. I get that." he says. "I just don't deserve you as a friend. I don't deserve anyone at all. I'm such a-" "Quit it. You are amazing, (y/n). And I'm sure that one day you'll see that. You're so worth it." my heart melts after he said that. "Thank you, Freddy." I say.
"Now, who wants a slice of pizza!?"

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