Chapter 42. I Finally Know

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Freddy's POV

Goldie, (y/n) and I are still in the basement. "(Y/n), is it true that the kidnapper kissed you against your own will?" I ask. (Y/n) looks down. "H-How do you know that?" "Sam told me." Goldie answers. Her head shut up in shock. "Did she tell you who the kidnapper is!?" "No." (Y/n) sighs in relief. "But you are going to tell us. Right now." (Y/n) shakes her head. "I can't." she says. I sigh deep. I just have to win her trust. Otherwise I don't think she'll tell me. I look at Goldie. "Goldie, can I please talk to (y/n) alone?" Goldie nods and teleports away. I hug (y/n) and from the corner of my eye I see her looking very confused. "F-Freddy?" she asks. "I'm sorry about what I said to you in the office. I'm really, really sorry." "Freddy, it's okay. You were right." "No, I wasn't." I let go of her. "You have so much friends. You have Mike, Sam, all the other animatronics and of course me." She smiles. "And just forget about what happened, alright?" (Y/n) nods. "Okay....but now we're going to talk about something important. I heard from Goldie that you and Sam are being threatened. Now is that true?" I say. "Well....uhhh....I...uhh..." she's searching for the words, so I wait patiently. "Maybe?" she finally says. I roll my eyes and facepalm. "You know what? This is not going to work. You're staying here." "Okay?" she answers confused. I walk up the stairs and open the door, but before I leave I turn around. "And I mean it, (y/n)! Stay here." "Yes! Got ya!" she says. I exit the basement and see Goldie. I walk over to him. "And?" Goldie asks. "This is just not going to work. I need Sam, but if she's still upset-" "No, Freddy, it's okay." I suddenly hear behind me. I turn around and see Sam. "Are you sure?" I ask her. She nods. "Yes."
Sam and I enter the basement and (y/n) looks up at us. After that she immediately looks down, probably still ashamed of what happened between her and Sam. When we approach her Sam gives (y/n) a big hug. "I'm sorry I-" "Don't explain, (y/n). I know what was going on. It's not your fault so of course I forgive you." (Y/n) smiles. "Thank you..." They end the hug and Sam stands besides her. "Alright, that is solved right now, so we can talk about the kidnap." I say. Sam nods, (y/n) just shyly looks away. I can't help but say she's supercute when she's shy. Alright Freddy, focus dammit! "So. What exactly happened when 'he' tied you both up?" "Well.....(y/n) may want to tell this part." Sam says. I look at (y/n) and see a single tear rolling down. "I can't.." she whispers and runs away. "No! (Y/n)! Come-" "Freddy, please. Let her go." Sam says. "What? But-" "(Y/n) finds it hard to talk about it. Please, let her." I sigh and watch (y/n) as she exits the basement. "I'll tell you what happened. But, you have to promise me something." I look up at her. "What is it?" She looks at me right in my eyes. "Promise me that you will protect (y/n)." "Of course I will protect her! She's the love of m-" I immediately shut my mouth, praying that Sam didn't hear what I was almost going to say. She chuckles. "You wanted to say; she's the love of my life, huh?" I blush lightly and shake my head. "No I don't!" "Ahh. Look what we have here. A lying teddybear." I blush even more. "Don't hide it from me, Freddy Fazbear. I know you have feelings for (y/n). I believe everyone in this whole place notices it. It's so obvious. But so cute. You guys would make such a cute couple!!" Sam says. I sigh in defeat. "Alright...maybe you're right. Maybe I like (y/n).." "Like!? Freddy, please. You love her. And you might want to hug her alllllll day long...even kiss-" "Alright that's enough!!" I interrupt her. She chuckles. "Alright. But tell me everything about the kidnap." Sam takes a deep breath. "Alright, here goes.."

"He grabbed a knife and walked over to me. He raised up his knife, I really thought I was going to die, but suddenly (y/n) yelled at him: "Stop! I'll do anything but just don't hurt her!". That's what she said. He walked over to her and he..caressed her cheek and he began to untie her. He pulled her outside and said something to her, and really. I'm honest with you, I don't know what he said to her. I really, really don't know. But after that they both came inside again and he told me not to tell his name to all of you guys, because otherwise he would kill me. So...yeah...he was threatening us. Then he ran away and I hugged (y/n) so hard and asked her what happened. She cried and told me she wasn't allowed to say that. He would kill me or do something bad to her if she would tell me. And the name of the Springtrap." she explains. "WHAT!? THAT CAN'T BE TRUE!!!" "I'm sorry, Freddy. But it's the truth." "Oh....he'll pay....he'll pay..." I grit my teeth and clench my fists. "Freddy, maybe we have to go to (y/n)......." Sam says. I nod and we both exit the basement.

Your POV

I sigh deep. I'm sure Freddy knows what happened right now. I sit down on the desk in the office, with my cheek in the palm of my hand. I start to think about Freddy. Freddy means so much to me. I still have the feeling I don't deserve him. I'm pulling him through so much trouble, that are actually my problems. But....he doesn't really seem to care. Maybe it's okay with him? Or is he secretly just sick of it? I don't know...I really have to ask him about this soon.
Well...he's a really great friend, but....maybe I want to be more than just friends...I have to admit...I have feelings for Freddy. But..he will never like me anyway. I think he has something for Toy Chica. I see them sitting on the stage together so often. I jealous? What!? I can't be jealous at Toy Chica! I-
"(Y/n)!?" Freddy's voice snapped me out of my daydream. I look up at him. "Yeah?" "Sam told me what happened. I know it's Springtrap." I sigh. "So are you going to tell me right now what he told you?" he asks. I look away. Freddy suddenly grabs my hands and holds them. "Please, (y/n). I'm begging you. I want to be there for you." His words made my heart melt and I blush a little. "Springtrap pulled me outside and he told me that I was his girlfriend. He came up with some stupid rules. I was not allowed to hang around with you anymore, and hug you. He would kill Sam or give something to me that made me love him. He threatened Sam as well, and after that ran away. At the pizzeria, he kissed and hugged me so many times, so....he wanted to kiss me again and this time I pulled him away. He became mad. There was a sudden red light and he was controlling it. He let the light come to me and when it hit me, I fell on the ground. And that's all I can remember from that evening." I explain. "Thank you, (y/n)." Freddy says and kisses me on my cheek. A dark blush creeps up on my cheeks, so I quickly hide behind my hair.

???'s POV

"I warned you, Sam. I warned you. You'll pay for your actions. And you too, dear (y/n). You'll be mine and you'll always be mine. Forever. I have a wonderful plan..." I peek through the gate and see Freddy and (y/n) in the office, Freddy kissing her cheek. Soon, I'll get rid of him.....soon....

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