Chapter 53. Knife And Fear

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Goldie's POV

"(Y/n), I want you to calm down immediately!" I say sternly. She lowers her head and hugs her knees tighter and her heavy breathing doesn't stop. I sigh frustrated and lift her chin up, forcing her to look at me. "Hey! Snap out of it!" "I'm scared..." Sam says behind me. "Don't worry, Sam." I answer, shaking (y/n). "(Y/n)? You hear me?" I try. She slowly nods. I smile. "There we go....hey, I want you to listen to me, alright?" She nods again. "Alright, I want you to calm down. There's no need to be afraid, we'll protect you. I promise." She seems to calm down a bit. "That's better...." I say. "(Y/n)?" Sam, Mike and I look at each other, realizing it was Scott's voice. "Get her out of here! We'll say that she's at the restroom." Sam whispers. I nod and grab (y/n). I quickly teleport away with her to the basement. I groan when I see Springtrap leaning against the wall, facing his back to us. As soon as he hears my groan, he turns around. "What do you want?" he growls. I roll my eyes. "Don't worry, Springtrap. I'm not here for you." I put (y/n) on her feet again. "Hey, are you okay now?" I ask. She shrugs. "I...don't know.." she says with a shaky voice. I sigh in relief. At least she's able to talk now. "Don't worry, okay? Freddy, the other animatronics, and I will protect you from them. They won't hurt you." I say. "A-Are you sure?" she asks. I nod and smile. "Hunny, I promise it will be fine." She smiles and hugs me. "T-Thank you, Goldie!" "It's alright, sweetheart. Just...don't think about it too much." I notice Springtrap stares at us really confused. Before he could say something, I teleport away with (y/n) to the storage room. I'm not in the mood to deal with Springtrap.

"I'm sorry if I scared you guys..." (y/n) sighs. I pet her on the head. "Don't worry about it, (y/n). It's fine. You were afraid, I understand it." She smiles. "It's past 9. Restaurant's closed. Let's go to the party room, alright?" I ask. She nods, so we teleport to the party room.

Your POV

I sit down on the table and think about what Goldie said. He'll protect me. Will everything really be alright? I'm snapped out of my thoughts by two hands who are now wrapped around my waist. "What are you thinking about? Everything okay?" I hear Freddy ask behind me. "Nothing, Fred." I answer. I stand up, but Freddy pulls me back. "Why don't I believe that?" he asks. I shrug. "I don't know, but all I know is that I'm fine. Nothing's up." "Alright then." he says, letting go of me. "I'll get a glass of water, be right back." I say. He nods and I enter the kitchen. I fill my glass with water until I see a big sharp kitchen knife hanging. I grab it and begin to observe it. I sit down on the table, still not looking away from it. Maybe I can keep this knife with me...I mean...if my parents are coming....I can at least protect myself.

Freddy's POV

I hear (y/n) mumbling something so I decide to take a look. "(Y/n), what are you do-" I gasp when I see her sitting on the table with a knife in her hand. "Will you put that down right now!?" I yell shocked. She drops the knife and I rush over to her. "What are you thinking, (y/n)!?" She seems to be terrified of my appearance, I can tell by the look on her face. "Yooo guys, what's up?" Goldie says and walks in. "Goldie, bad time." I say. He lifts one eyebrow and looks over at (y/n). "Wow, (y/n). You saw a ghost or something?" He looks besides her and notices the knife. He looks back at me. "Alright, why is there a knife on the table? What's going on, guys? You better tell me." he says. I look at (y/n) and cross my arms. "You explain." Goldie looks at her and (y/n) sighs. "It's just because....I....." She looks at the ground. "Continue." I say. She mumbles something. "What did you say?" I ask. She shyly looks up at me. What in the world is going on? "I'm..afraid..." she says, not loud though, but loud enough for me to hear. I lift one eyebrow, looking at Goldie. "Ooohh..." Goldie mouths. " get this?" I ask him. He nods. "(Y/n), does this have to do anything with your parents?" he asks. Wait...what? "Maybe." she squeaks out. Goldie sighs and walks over to her. He grabs her wrists.

"Listen to me, sweetheart. You don't need a knife to protect yourself. It's a dangerous thing. I know you're not a little child anymore, but...I just don't want you to walk around with that thing. I will protect you, Freddy will protect you, we all will protect you. And if I ever see you again with that knife, I'm not that sweet Goldie anymore, alright? Now, do I make myself clear?" (Y/n) nods. "Good. Now I understand you're afraid, but everything is going to be okay." he says. He grabs the knife and puts it away. "I uhhh..I think I'm missing something here." I say confused. Goldie looks up at me. "(Y/n)'s parents escaped prison." "What? No way!" I say in disbelief. Now I understand why (y/n) had a knife and where Goldie was talking about..

I walk over to Goldie and (y/n). I wonder if she's mad at me, I mean...I pretty much yelled at her.
I look right in her eyes and sigh. "I'm sorry I yelled at you...I was just really shocked seeing you with a knife.....I'm sorry." I apologize. "It's okay..." She replies "And Goldie is right. We'll protect you. I won't leave you alone for one second." I hug her and my ears twitch when I hear the front doors open.

Who could that be..?

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