Chapter Fourteen: Fear & Lost Hope

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-Reece's POV-
"Josh," I whisper, slowly waking up from a deep slumber. When my eyes flutter open, I'm standing in a familiar basement.


I walk forward to only run into glass. I'm flung back as I realize I'm in some sort of glass tube. When I hear the floor of this tube begin to creak my heart stops.

No. This is NOT happening. Please let this be a dream.

I shut my eyes and sigh when I'm faced with the truth. I'm going to fall, hard. Just like I did for Parker. The thought makes me sigh again. I take a deep breath and suddenly the floor splits as I fall just as hard as I thought I would. But this time, someone catches me. My eyes are still squeezed shut when I hear a familiar laugh. I turn and see Kyle's strong blue eyes staring into mine. I jump out of his arms and turn to run.

But where?

I sigh and keep running different directions, finding every door locked. I try to use my strength to kick one open or punch a hole through, but nothing works. I turn against a door near him, my back on the wall as I let myself slide down it. It's hopeless.

"Why don't you join your group of failures?" He says grinning. He must've loved watching my escape attempt. He thinks he's so clever. I roll my eyes. "Ha, group of failures? You mean the same group of failures that kicked your ass last time?" I say, laughing at his annoyed reaction.

"Yes, I mean the same group of failures  that let me read their best friends diary. The same group of failures that fall into my traps time and time again." I run my hands through my straight, long blonde hair and sigh. I didn't realize being a superhero would be so hard.

"Join them," he continues, laughing and pressing a button on his black remote. His black leather jacket, dark jeans, and white tshirt might've fooled me before. But I will not be fooled again. His piercing blue eyes Ky fell for are the last thing I see before I find myself on a rope staring down at a tank filled with poisonous snakes and bugs. Please let this be a dream, I repeat.

-Parker's POV-

Fear. It's the thing that holds too many back. The thing that makes you tremble and shake. The thing that can make you run from the thing you want or even need most. It's the only thing that can make you do the dumbest and the most wrong things possible. Fear. Even the word makes me feel a bit queasy.

It's as if that word is a joke for Kyle.

I hear someone scream as they're thrown and tied on the same rope as the rest of us. A tank full of bugs and snakes awaits for who appears to be Reece.

"Reece!" I yell. She gasps and puts her hand over her mouth. She points down at her fear and I remember all of a sudden. Snakes and bugs are her worst fear. That's a pretty disgusting tank of 'em too. I sigh and am reminded of what I'm above. There's a pit of beer bottles that are like quicksand. If I fall, I will be stabbed and will drown in beer bottles.

Just like my dad has.

I don't like alcohol and I've always promised to myself that I would never drown myself and my problems in alcohol like my dad. I guess it's a literal deal now. At least we have some source of hope.

Ky. I'm sure that after I protected her with that shield of fire, (despite her wishes), she is safe. Maybe she can save us. No doubt she knows where we've gone and she has her mom to help her train to save us. Although, that is a lot of pressure on one person.

"This isn't the end," I hear Marcus whisper beside me. I turn to see him struggling and trying to escape.

"Marcus," I say gently. He turns to me and is now red in the face with anger. He jerks his body around shamelessly, trying to escape the death grip these ropes have on us. "Marcus." He keeps struggling.

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