Chapter Eighteen: Labels & New Kids

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-Ky's POV-

Things aren't really getting much better at school. Kids call me names like desperate and needy. They don't even know me. Half of them didn't even know my name before Kyle exposed me like that. I open my locker, feeling tired of being called name after name. It's all his fault. The worst part is, I don't get to defend myself. That's it, that's my label.

That's what high school does to you. They just slap a name on you without even really knowing who you are. I feel as if I'm floating through nothing. The only time I feel visible is when I get shoved and tripped and kicked. It never ends. All because I fell in love with Kyle James Reed.

I'm so stupid.

Marcus smiles at me across the hall and I return it. I'm glad I have my friends and all, but I don't have many classes with them. In the ones I don't, I'm immediately pegged as the quiet one. And I am no where near quiet.

I sigh as another person runs into me carelessly. I reach down to pick up all my things. Good thing I have plenty of time to get to History. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. That doesn't mean I don't feel like falling to the floor and never standing up. I blink back the tears and stay strong. If I cry, I'm giving them what they want, and I refuse to do just that.

"Hey, need some help?" A voice asks politely. I roll my eyes at the tile floor. I don't need help from anybody right now. This is some kind of scam or evil trick.

And I'm not falling for it.

I don't need another person to fake help me and then just call me names.

"Listen, if you're just hear to call me pathetic or a loser just say it now because I've heard it all I-" I start. I instantly stop when I meet emerald green eyes and a caring smile.

"Hey, I'm new here. I'm Matt," he introduces, reaching his hand out.  I shoot him a genuine smile.  "I'm not here to make fun of you, and I don't know why anyone would. You seem quite nice and are the only one who's smiled at me all day."

"It's funny because you seem like a little ray of sunshine," he says, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Wow, way to smack a label on someone before you even know them, Kyah. I just smile at the boy with perfect spiked brown hair, trying to play it cool. Yeah, I'm not very good at that.

"Why would anyone do such a thing to you?" He asks, as he reaches down to grab my History textbook. I don't know why, but I tell him. I tell him about a boy who seemed to not care when I really thought he did. A boy who I let break down my walls. I told him about the diary as we stole a few minutes from the previous free period we seem to share. He rolls his eyes and tells of his old school. The school and the girl that ran off with his best friend at the time.

I know, ouch.

"Do you have it next?" He asks, his index finger on the fat History book as shoots me a cheeky smile that shows off his dimples. I smile at that and nod.

"Can I walk with you? I have it next too. I'll carry your books," he offers, laughing. I laugh along as I nudge him playfully.

"Sure," I say, brushing a piece of my long black hair behind my hair. It's curled and pinned nicely, paired with a a floral dress, tights, and cute flats. Winter may be on its way, but I'm not ready to accept that yet. I'm reminded that it's drawing near every second Meghan and Kenny aren't here.

It's been a few weeks since Meghan and Kenny left, but it already feels like someone's missing. Like they filled this space that no one else can. A group of boys push each other into the lockers, interrupting my thoughts as we walk carelessly down the hall.

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