Chapter Six: Picnics & New Beginnings

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-Parker's POV-

"Let's grab some fruit since Kyah's probably just going to buy a bunch of junk food," Kennedy suggests, rolling her eyes. I laugh, run my fingers through my hair and sneakily grab her hand as we walk into the store. Kennedy blushes before slipping into HyVee with a cheeky grin on her face.

A picnic. A perfect place to ask the girl I've liked forever out. I smile and she tucks her big, brown Pink sweatshirt in a little before pulling it out more again. She skips in front of me and I watch as she runs right towards the gummy bears. I laugh when she grabs the gummy candy made by Haribo.

"My favorite ones are the clear ones," I admit, putting my hands in my Under Armour sweater shirt. She grins before responding with, "me too." I widen my eyes at that. No one I know actually likes that kind.

"Ky and I fight over the clear and the red ones," she smiles, as if remembering the countless times they've done so. She then takes my hand once more and leads me to the cookie section. She's a sucker for snickerdoodles. I smile when I think of the warm snicker doodle cookies my grandmother bakes. My grandmother loved Randy, my little brother. He was her favorite grand child. Now that I've been alone for these past for the past two years without him, we don't bake the warm snickerdoodles we used to with her.

Kennedy is staring through the glass, her coffee brown eyes fixating on the light, delicate, cinnamon cookie. The baker, (a man who seems to be around 20), smiles at the 17 year old and grabs one, telling her it's on the house. My hands pull into fists, I don't really know why.

It's because your jealous, idiot.

"That's Zander, he lives across the street from me. He's dating my older sister, Destiny," she explains, grinning at the angry look on my face. I roll my eyes, muttering curses which only makes her crack up laughing as she follows me over to the chip aisle.


-Kenny's POV-

"Parker!" Josh cries when Parker pulls down his pants in the middle of the park. I roll my eyes, Josh is too easy. It's around 70 degrees as we all chill in the middle of Centennial Park, chowing and fighting over the countless junk food items in the picnic basket. I'm sprawled out on the blanket as Kennedy pouts, sitting in the grass. A bee suddenly buzzes past my right ear and heads straight towards Kennedy. She jumps, runs, and screams, making us all crack up laughing as she swats at the bee. It suddenly lands right behind her ear and stings her before it flies away once more.

"Ow!" She yelps and even Parker laughs before he realizes how red her face is. She's so embarrassed. I almost feel bad...


"Thanks for the help, guys," she whines, taking an ice cube from the cooler that holds our drinks and putting it on the bee sting. I roll my eyes as I reach in to grab a cookie. I've wrapped my hand around the cookie when a soft hand tries to grab the same one. I know that hand. I slowly let go, still staring down at our hands, not ready to look up.

"Picnic? Picnic." A soft voice says, taking my hand and leading me away. I'm speechless as I turn to the others, my mouth wide open in shock. Marcus looks at me, waves, and grins.

He did this.

Man, I love my fam sometimes.

"Did you miss me?" Heidi asks when we sit down at our own picnic private area.

"Of course," I say, kissing her cheek and wrapping my arm around her waist before handing her the chocolate chip cookie we both reached for. She brushes a piece of her straight blonde hair behind her left ear and takes a bite out the cookie before looking into my eyes and laughing. I laugh along. We're not perfect, but we are pretty funny together. And all that really matters to me, is that she keeps on laughing. But not just by herself.

With me.

-Ky's POV-

"Push yourself!" I scream, taking out the dummy by taking the potted plant next to me's vines and wrapping it around the dummy, choking it to death. I take a deep breath as I look at the scoreboard in the training room. Kenny has killed 13 dummies whereas I have killed 11. Kennedy has killed 10 and Josh has killed 20. Being able to shape shift into anything he wants gives him a pretty big advantage. don't forget Parker and Marcus, with their scores of 10.

"Yo, Plant Girl, how'd you get more points than me?" Parker asks when the buzzer rings out. Parker takes out his last dummy with fire balls right before it rings out.

"Stop calling me that," I say, rolling my eyes and putting my hands on my hips. I'm wearing a purple shirt and spanks as are the rest of the girls. "I can do more stuff than just plants, okay?" He rolls his eyes and mutters, "yeah right."

"Let's just start over again. We have to work as a team, guys." Marcus encourages. I nod, trying to catch my breath. I go to the side of the room, hit the blue button that restarted our favorite training game, and got back into starting position. I close my eyes, and tried to focus on not using plants this time.

All of a sudden a dummy sprints towards me. I use the strength of my mind and hands to pull the ground up from beneath me and create a wall between me and the dummy. The dummy pounds on the wall and I jump, a piece of rock goes beneath me and I float in mid air, shooting rocks out of my hands to hit the dummy. I continue to do this for the 10 minutes we receive to defeat as many dummies as we can. I am out of breath when the buzzer turns off and everyone turns to see me float down on the rock.

"Yo, Fire Breath," I say, calling out Parker. Parker turns to me, nods and whispers,

"Well played, flower. Well played." I smile and watch as he walks out of the room. I look up at the scoreboard and see my score of 18. I grin and tell everyone to take a 5 minute break. They all seem grateful as I hear my mom call us up for lunch. Yesterday's picnic is still vivid in my mind as I walk up the stairs with my best friends.

"We need to think of a superhero squad name," I hear Marco say. I nod, and follow him up the stairs. When we reach the top, Meghan is at the top, grinning.

"Hey, besties," she greets, holding a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Damn, those are my favorite.

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