Part 21

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So before I start this I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for all the reads! Less than a week ago I had 1,214 readers and now I have 1,347 and like wow. That's really a big deal for me because I'm not the popular type at all. I'm really far from it and this means a lot to me! I was happy when I had 20 reads, much less 1,347. I really mean this, thank you! You guys make me feel really special and writing is like my only talent. Anyway, I'm on time this week! And the next update will be next week, like always. So here's the story. Enjoy! :) P.S. If you like my stories check out my friend @daddy_directioner_ , She's got really good ones! -----------------------------------------------------

I was counting down the days until my freedom. I wasn't a very patient person in general plus I was nervous. Would this whole thing really work out? I mean we are talking about the famous Louis Tomlinson here. Sure he's my brother and all but he has a serious career. How is he going to raise four girls? And what will management say? Louis has told me about them. They seem like total arses. (tiny author's note here: I am not British but since Felecite is British I use words like arse, mum, favourite, colour, etc. and I try to write in a more proper way. :p) I would hate for someone to constantly be telling me what to, how to dress, and who I can make contact with. I just hope management allows us to stay with Louis. He's all I've got.

The last few days have been pretty rough, I'm not going to lie. I've been jumping at every small sound and every time mum walks by I act like a complete lunatic. I freak out and stutter when I talk to her, which has resulted in a few slaps across the face. She is a very impatient person as well and lashes out sometimes. And I'm so scared the twins will blurt out something or mum will hear us talking about this and everything will go wrong.

The night before we were supposed to leave I called Louis and just broke down crying. "What's wrong Fizzy?" He asked. I could barely speak. I had that painful feeling inside my throat I always got from trying to hold back the tears. "I'm so scared Louis! something is going to go wrong, I just know it! Mum will find me or the other girls, take us back home. We will end up with her again. She's so horrible Louis, you just don't understand!"

"Felecite, calm down. Listen to me. That woman will never find you again and I swear it. If she just so happens to do the impossible and take you away from me I will find you. I will help you no matter what. I should've never left you, ever. I guess I thought that when I left all the problems in that house would leave as well. It was a big mistake of mine and I'm sorry. I can't take back what I've done though. I can only fix my old mistakes. Just be discreet tomorrow. Keep it low key and everything will be fine. I need to go now but you will all be fine."

With that Louis hung up the phone. He didn't even say goodbye. I sat on my bed, shaking in fear. I did the only thing I could to calm myself. I grabbed my razor and slowly cut into my wrist. I didn't know what else to do. I was just so scared and lonely at that moment. I knew that once mum found us again we would be severely punished. I didn't deserve any of this. I didn't want this at all. I was just a scared little girl who was trying to act so big and brave. I was weak.

Mum must've heard me from downstairs because she came up the stairs. I knew it was her because she walked with a lot of power in her step. Her footsteps were heavy against the weak wooden floor. She neared my closed door and then everything was still. Until she kicked the door in.

"Felecite, you were supposed to pick up alcohol from the store!" She screamed in my face. I wimpered in fear, holding my hand behind my back. "I'm a minor mum. I can't get alcohol." "Oh yeah then what's that behind your back?" She asked. "Did you take some alcohol and hide it from me?!" She demanded. Before I could stop her she grabbed my bleeding wrist. I probably couldn't stop her even if I wanted to though because she was to strong.

Shock was written all across her face. Could it be, did she actually care about me? No. I couldn't be more wrong. "So you're one of those girls, the freaks. The ones who should be locked up in a mental hospital. I bet you listen to that emo music as well. You are even more disgusting than I thought! Well here you go little freak, I'm sure you are going to love this!" She said. She punched me hard in the face. I knew it was going to form a black eye. I just knew. And then she did the unthinkable. She grabbed my razor and my arm and carved deeply into my skin a word. The word read freak.


Wow ok this a good stopping point until next week and I'm pretty happy with this chapter. Yes it is depressing but I put a lot of time into this and just because it's depressing now doesn't mean it will always be. I personally like how I wrote this one part. I don't know why. How'd you guys like it? I apologize for all the writer's notes. Anyway, see you next week! Oh and buy Razzleberry Peace Tea, it tastes good! And a can is 99 cents! Try it! ^_^

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