Chapter 20

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Ryosuke spend the whole day trying to make Kei stop crying, she couldn't do anything except calling for Kota to talk to her, but that was the most wrong decision she ever made.

"W-What?!". Kei look at Ryosuke shockly.

"........Sorry Kei, Your Mom is right, I...I think we Never Ment to be". He said slowly and Kei dropped the phone and Ryosuke take it.

"Kota What----".

"Sorry Ryo-chan, Please Stay with Kei until she calm down, I Can't do anything from now on, Goodbye".

"Oi Kota Wait----". He cut off the line and she almost throw her phone but look at Kei.

"Kei forget what he said! He is Kidding!! He----".

"H-He is the one who break up with me now....What Did I do Ryosuke?! Did I do Something wrong?! Did I say something without my knowing?! Oh!...Maybe I shouldn't confess to him from the start.....Maybe....Maybe it's my bad for falling deeply for him.....Or maybe....Maybe I shouldn't talk with him ever.....No maybe I shouldn't Kiss him, I shouldn't give him the distance to get closer to me!....Maybe-----".

"Kei Stop It Please----".

"Maybe He Never Loved Me From The Start And Was Playing With Me!!".

"Kei listen to me Plea----".

"Maybe he find another girl who love him more than me and she is better than me!!!".

Ryosuke bite her lips, she don't know what to do for her cousin who was all panicky and talking nonsense without stopping.


Ryosuke start crying and hold Kei's shoulder, Kei look at her with her teary eyes and smile.

"Oh...Maybe I should just disappear from this world...That will make everyone happy".

Ryosuke widened her eyes at what Kei said, without her conscious she slap her hardly.


Ryosuke shout at her angrily and finally, Kei's eyes start shedding tears again, she look at Ryosuke and couldn't say anything, she just hold on the bed sheet tightly and cry hardly.

"Kou....Kota...Kota....". She start calling for him and Ryosuke hug her tightly.

"Please Kei, Stay Strong, he will come to you no matter what".

Ryosuke pat her head slowly trying to calm her.

Outside the room, Ayame was crying in the floor as she heard what her daughter said, she blame herself for everything, It's her fault that her daughter in pain now, but what can she do?! She is afraid if she let her do what she want it will be more painful.

"I...I don't know what to do anymore".


"Aunt Ayame, Kei is sleeping now, I told my parents that I will stay here until Kei's condition get better, so please allow me to stay next to her". Ryosuke said to her aunt.

"Un, Thank you Ryosuke". Ayame said sadly.

"Aunt....If Kei did something to herself... I won't Forgive all of you".

Ryosuke said firmly before she leave, Ayame just look at her and sighed.

"Me too Ryosuke...I won't forgive myself".


At night, Ryosuke didn't sleep, she just stay next to Kei who was having a nightmares and calling Kota, after she calmed down Ryosuke take her phone and leave the room, she called Kota to talk to him.


"I know that you are having so much difficult situations but that doesn't mean you have to say it to Kei like that Kota". Ryosuke said firmly.

"......Ryosuke I-----".

"Don't try to run away Kota, You know me when I get mad, Kei in a bad state now, You know?! She even said everyone will be happy if she gone, wow~ Kota, You make your beloved one wishing to die in order to make you happy".

Ryosuke giggle but she didn't hear a replay from Kota and she expect that.

"Kota, I know how much you love Kei and how much she love you, I saw how you will be if she break up with you and how is she when you are not next to her, and I see that Kei is more in Love than you, She love you like there is nothing in the world except you, Kota she even wish to die if that will make you happy! If you saw her face expression you will get scared, What will you do if I call you tomorrow and tell you 'Kota, Kei is dead'----".

"Please Ryo Stop----".

"I Will Not! What will happened to you if you know that There is no longer Inoo Kei in this World?! Oh wait she said you will be happy so that will make you happy I don't have to be worried----".


"AND THEN WHAT?!! What will you do?! Kota......She already in her limit, I will stay with her until when?! I don't think she can over this shock,....She.....She start talking nonsense Kota....She....She is hallucination about you for God Sake!! Kota...You....You Make Kei Sick!! And You Know How Hard It Was For Me Before!! I Don't Want Her To Be The Same! YOU ARE THE WORSE!!".

She hung up before hearing anything from him, she cover her face and release the breath she was holding, she was already crying and trying to calm herself down when she suddenly heard Kei's voice, she enter the room and find her crying again in her sleep, she wipe her tears and lay next to her and hug her tightly.

"It's ok Kei, Everything will be ok".


In the next day, Ryosuke wake up and saw Kei sleeping next to her, she get up slowly and go to take a shower and change her clothes, but she stopped and think for a little.

"I have to wait".

She wait for Kei to wake up and when Kei wake up she greet her.

"Kei-Chan Ohayo!!! Let's Take a Bath Together!!!".

Ryosuke said cheerfully but Kei just look at her, Ryosuke didn't wait and just drag her to the bathroom and take off her clothes.

"Uwaaah~ I didn't take a bath with someone for so long~".

Ryosuke said and Kei just look at her, Ryosuke splash the water on her and laugh.

"Kei-chan's face in the morning is so puffy~ hahahaha".

She laugh and Kei just sighed and turn away, Ryosuke stop laughing and pouted.

"Didn't work but.....At least she won't think of something stupid when she is alone".

Yes, that what Ryosuke think, NEVER Let Kei Be Alone, even in the bathroom, she will try her best to just stay with her and be cheerful and change her mood, the first thing to do is......

"I Have To Make Her Smile".


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