Chapter 7: Burn It Down

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~~~~CHAPTER 7~~~~

Burn It Down~~~~

"Somethin's not right."

Jimmy looked up from his work and looked to me as I sat there and thought.

"What's not right?" he asked, not caring if anyone around us heard what we were saying.

I looked to him.

"I haven't been pushed down the stairs all day," I said, keeping my voice down, as I cared if people heard us.

"Well isn't that a good thing?" Jimmy asked. "I mean, you should take advantage of not being pushed down the stairs by an unknown entity, right?"

I looked at him in disbelief.

"Would 'cha keep it down a bit man?" I asked, trying to ignore the looks we were getting from people. "People're staring."

Jimmy looked at me for a few seconds before he looked around at the class. A few people were watching us and listening in, but Jimmy just glared at them and they quickly looked away and went back to their work. He looked back to me.

"I don't see anyone staring," he said with a shrug, making me look at him with an unamused expression.

He just gave me a smile and I shook my head and sighed.

"Look," I said. "Matt reckons he's just biding his time, and seein' as I haven't even been pushed once, it's makin' me wonder if he actually is, and if so, why?"

"Maybe he's gonna try do somethin' later on," Jimmy said, his expression thoughtful as he looked back down at the work in front of him. "Maybe he's gotta build up enough ghost mojo to pull off whatever he's planning."

I just looked at him and he looked up and caught my gaze. Upon realising what he'd said, he quickly tried to cover it up with something more positive.

"Uh...I mean, maybe he's just not feeling like it today?" he suggested, making a few people look over again. "I mean, maybe since you told him to fuck off and stop pushing you down the stairs yesterday, he's laying off a bit?"

I just shook my head and looked away, catching the gaze of one of the people over the other side of the room. She looked like she was thinking, but she kept looking over at me. I looked away and Jimmy glared at a few of the people looking our way, making them look back at their work.

I'd seen that girl a few times around here, but she hadn't been here for very long. People usually gave her a bit of a hard time and they avoided her quite a bit, unless it was to torture her with hurtful words or actions. Jimmy nudged me, making me look at him.

"Looks like ya got an admirer Baker," he said with amusement, the smile suggesting what he was thinking.

I sighed and shook my head. "Getcha mind outta the gutter Sullivan."

He just laughed and looked back down at his work as I looked back to the girl over the other side of the room. She just looked at me for a few more seconds before she looked back to what she'd been doing before.

"Baker, man stop staring," Jimmy said, nudging me again and making me look at him again. "That's the weird chick, remember? She might think you like her."

"Sorry," I mumbled, Jimmy once again having to glare at people to make them stop looking at us.

"Alright man, well look," he said, making me glance at him. "Put it this way; if you like her, don't go near her for a bit, yeah? We've got enough problems with this fucker who's hunting us to make any time to fuck around with some chick, yeah? She can wait. Don't wanna let her find out 'bout this ghost, right?"

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