Chapter 28: Attempting to Research

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~~~~CHAPTER 28~~~~

Attempting to Research~~~~

~~~~Zacky's Point of View~~~~

"So you think burning the remains might get rid of the ghost," I stated, Brian walking at my slow pace through the corridors, Jimmy talking with Jessie a few steps in front.

Brian shrugged, readjusting my bag over his shoulder; he still insisted on carrying my things for me, though I'd told him multiple times that I was pretty sure I was capable of it.

"Just a theory," he stated as he followed Jimmy and Jessie into class; luckily science. "Your girlfriend probably knows about it."

I shot him a look as Jessie smiled in amusement, taking her usual seat as Jimmy took his usual place up the back where Brian and I were headed.

"Really Brian?" I sighed, putting my crutches against the wall and sitting down, Brian placing my bag on the desk so I could grab it from him as he sat down, placing his things next to him. "You're still insisting on that?"

"Always," Brian said unenthusiastically, placing his notebook in front of himself on the desk as I moved my bag down to the floor beside where I was seated. He leant over my way, Jimmy leaning in as well from his position on Brian's right. "Seriously man, just ask her out."

I gave him an unamused look as I placed my notebook down on the desk in front of me as well, pen in hand.

"I will hurt you," I said, my voice down and tone serious. "We're just friends and that's that."

Brian rolled his eyes as the teacher came in, the three of us ignoring her as she started talking at the front of the classroom.

"You have to ask her out," Jimmy pushed, his voice down as well, as Jessie was over the other side of the room and would probably hear.

"Why? Why do I have to?" I asked, starting to get irritated again; I was once again rather tired and not in the mood to be harassed about getting into a relationship.

"Because I said so," Jimmy said harshly, his voice still down. "I've talked to her, and she likes you. You like her, end of story. Just ask her the fuck out or I'll do it for you."

"You wouldn't."

Jimmy raised his eyebrows. "Wouldn't I?"

"Boys, can you please stop talking?" the teacher called, making the three of us look over, Jimmy repositioning himself to sit up more as everyone looked our way.

"This' kinda important, so no," Jimmy said, the teacher shooting him a rather disapproving look. "So can you please stop talking?"

"James, outside; now," the teacher ordered.

Jimmy just rolled his eyes and grabbed his things. He looked to me and Brian as he got up and swung his bag over his shoulder.

"Guess I'll see you two at lunch break."

I shook my head as he forwarded out, the teacher harassing him the entire time, telling him to wait outside the door; Brian and I both knew he'd just leave and go do something for the hour. Brian looked to me as the teacher went back to talking about whatever we were meant to be doing; I never paid much attention in science anyway.

"Jimmy's right y'know," he said, his voice down. "She really likes you; I get that 'cha don't wanna ask her out. Relationships are hard to manage, so I get it. I know I kinda help Jimmy in pressuring you to do something about it, but we just don't wanna see you give something like that up; might do you good. Y'never know Zachary."

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