Chapter Ten . . . Baby and Surprises

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Chapter Ten . . . Baby and Surprises

Kylie's POV

"Ray I am telling you that, I don't need you to buy all of this stuff for me." I pointed out as he carried in bags of baby stuff and paint for a nursery.

"Uh this baby is going to be here any day where do you expect her to sleep?" Ray asked as he put the bags down in his house.

"Where do you plan on putting her?" I chuckled. "In the closet?"

"No, I'm going to put her in the guest room." He shrugged.

"Where are you going to sleep then?" I asked confused and placed a hand on my belly.

"I'm . . ." He scratched the back of his neck. "I'm going to figure something out."

"Ray," I sighed. "I'm not going to stay here if you are going to give up everything for me." I crossed my arms.

"Why don't you let me take care of you? Why do you have to fight me on every little thing?" He asked.

"You want to pay for a nursery, you want to sleep in a fucking closet, this isn't just a little thing, this is your life that I feel like I'm taking over and ruining." I felt my eyes water as the hormones and emotions came out.

Ray sighed and came over to me before wrapping his arms around me. "Kylie, you are not ruining my life, this is far from it." He rubbed my back as I buried my face in his chest.  "I told you before we even started dating that I want to be in yours and the baby's life." He smiled as the baby kicked against us making me laugh.

"I know," I wiped my eyes, "I just don't want to take away from you and you regret-"

"Never." He kissed my lips. "I can never, ever, regret anything that has to do with you and the baby." He smiled, "Speaking of which you have to come up with a name." He rubbed my belly, "So I can put it on her wall."

"I don't know yet." I sighed. "I mean it's her name it's stuck with her for the rest of her life."

"True." Ray chuckled before pulling away and giving me a book. "Which is why I bought you this."

"A book of baby names." I read with a nod.  "Maybe we should decide together?" I offered while biting my bottom lip.

"I mean," I could see the grin form on his face, "If that's what you want."

"I think that's something I want a lot." I smiled.

"It's a date." He winked before grabbing some bags. "Come here so I can show you my ideas."

"Well at least let me help you." I chuckled but he shook his head.

"Nope, I got it. Just wobble your little ass down to the guest room." He teased.

"Really?" I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but laugh as we walked into his guest room that consisted of four white walls, a dresser, and a bed for Ray.

"So I plan on making the walls the pink color you like so much," He held up the can of paint that I had been smiling at in the store. "And then we're going to add some of these sticky little butterflies to the wall." He pointed around. "And then I'm having a dresser and rocking chair made."

"What!" I yelled.

"I'm having a dresser and rocking chair made." He repeated. "I don't care what you say that's what I want to do."

"Ray I'm going to kill you." I sighed. "Like murder and throw you in the river."

"Well can I still have the dresser and rocking chair made?" He grinned and I smacked his arm.

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