Chapter Twenty-One . . . Until Death

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Chapter Twenty-One . . . Until Death

Kylie's POV

"You're going to smother her . . . and rip out your stitches." Ray teased as I ran to my baby and held her close to me.

"Hey I'm her mother I can smother her as much as I want." I shot at him.

It had been sixteen hours and twenty minutes since I've seen Marisa and I honestly just wanted to hold her and never let her go.

Ray took a seat next to us and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry." He said.

I looked up at him and raised a brow. "For?"

"Smothering you." He sighed. "I just want you to be careful."

I was silent as I looked into my daughter's eyes that resembled mine. "I will be." I finally whispered before leaning over and kissing his cheek. "I hate this. I hate feeling like I'm so weak and helpless."

"Kylie, you are the furthest thing from that." Ray said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "And I shouldn't keep you away from Marisa. You are both good for each other. For healing." He said gently.

"Thank you." I smiled widely. "I don't want to be away from her a second longer than I have to."

"I know that and I'm a total jackass for assuming that I could keep you away from her to protect yourself." Ray chuckled.

"You just worry too much about me." I smiled.

"I do" He nodded in agreement. "I worry about both of you." He said as if he were thinking.

"Ray, are you okay?" I asked gently. "Is there something you want to talk about?"

There was a moment where he paused and looked at the ground. "You two are the best things to come into my life, you know that?" He asked.

"You're the best thing to come into both of our lives." I whispered before smashing my lips to his in a slow kiss.

"Uh excuse me," A voice interrupted us, causing Ray and I to pull away.

When I looked up I smiled at Marisa's doctor. "Dr. Peterson." I greeted.

"Hello, you two. I see you are . . . bonding." She noted with a grin that only made me blush.

"Yeah, well do you blame me." Ray asked as he threw his arm around me.

"Ray." I scolded but he only held me tighter.

"I'm here to talk to you about Marisa." She said as she nodded towards my daughter.

"Is she okay? Is there something wrong?" I questioned as I held Marisa tighter to me.

"No, actually it's quite the opposite." She smiled. "Marisa has made another big improvement, but before we took the next step we wanted to make sure you were here."

"Next step?" I question, with excitement.

"We want to take the tubing away from her. So we can see how she eats and breathes without it." She smiled.

"Ray?" I questioned excitedly but he was already nodding.

"Yes." He turned to me. "As long as that's okay with you. You are the mother after all."

I turned to the doctor and nodded. "Yes please."

She took a step towards us and opened her arms. "May I?" She asked and I nodded with a chuckle. "Of course."

Dr. Peterson took Marisa from me and laid on her little crib before two nurses came in, which only made me nervous.

"No worries Kylie." Dr. Peterson reassured me. "They are just here out of precaution."

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