Chapter Twenty-Seven . . . The White Light

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Chapter Twenty-Seven . . . The White Light

Ray's POV

I sat in the waiting room, while they wheeled Kylie away and took her straight to the O.R.

I ran my fingers through my hair and took off my glasses to wipe my eyes.

She was going to be alright, she had to be. We've been through so much together, and this surely wasn't going to be the end for us and our family.

The small cry caught my attention and I quickly picked up Marisa from her car seat and gently swayed her back and forth. "Hey there little one. It's all going to be okay. Mommy is going to be fine and . . ." I stopped as my voice cracked. "It's going to be okay."

"Ray!" I heard before turning around and facing Cat, Gavin, Ryan, and Allie.

"What the hell happened?" Allie asked, her eyes were so red and swollen.

"Baby calm down." Ryan whispered as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Brad, got to her." I cleared my throat. "I-I wasn't there. He called me . . . it was all a trick."

Cat came up to me and wrapped her slender arms around Marisa and I. "It's going to be okay. She's strong. She'll get through it. You'll get through it with her."

"Cat I saw her- I saw her she was on the floor . . . there was so much blood." I sobbed as she rubbed my back.

"It's going to be okay." She repeated over and over, and she reminded me of my mother. She was holding me up when I was slowly quickly falling.

"Mr. Narvaez."

Cat released her hold of me and I was met eye to eye with a doctor in scrubs who's face was as firm as could be. I couldn't tell if he was going to tell me good news or bad news.

"Yes." I cleared my throat.

"Kylie, well, she had some complications during her surgery. She lost a lot of blood, and the shard in her glass was pretty deep." He sighed.

"Is she alive?" I asked.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, we managed to get her the blood she needed and got the glass out of her back, but her walking is going to be shaky for awhile. She's going to need a lot of therapy to help her and a lot of rest to make sure her body heals. Whatever this guy did to her, it was pretty bad."

I felt my body stiffen at the thought of Brad hurting her, but quickly relaxed at the thought of Kylie being okay, alive, and breathing. "Can I go see her?" I asked.

"She's going to be groggy from the pain medicine, but you can go see her." The doctor nodded.

"Can you watch her please?" I asked as I turned to Allie. "I don't want her to see her mommy like that."

Allie nodded and gently took Marisa. "Just tell her that we love her, okay?" She sniffled.

I nodded before rushing back to Kylie's room.

As soon as I opened the door I wanted to fall to my knees and scream out.

She was heavily bruised, and groaning in pain as she tried to get comfortable.

"Baby," I whispered quietly, but when her head turned to me, I knew that she saw me.

"Ray," She whimpered and I was quickly by her side.

I wanted to hold her, to hug her so tightly, and never let her go.

"Ray where's Marisa?" She asked in a panic.

I gently touched her hair. "She's okay, she's with Allie." I kissed her forehead as gently as I could.

"How are you feeling?" I asked quietly as my eyes filled with tears.

"I'm okay . . . my legs are a little numb." She sighed.

"Baby, the doctor said you're going to need some therapy to help your legs." I sighed.

I watched as her swollen eyes widened with fear and her bottom lip tremble. "I'm going to be able to walk right? I have to take care of Marisa, and I have to work, and-"

"Hey, hey, hey," I cut her off as soon as I noticed her heart monitor racing. "You're going to walk, and you're going to be able to do anything that you want." He sighed. "But it's going to take some time. You have to get better first."

Her heart monitor slowed to a normal rhythm, but her body was still stiff and her eyes still wide. "I'm going to be with you every step of the way, okay?" I reassured her. "I'm not going to leave you alone, not ever again."

"Ray, please-"

"No, I promised to protect you and I failed. I failed big time." I sighed. "I was supposed to take care of you. I didn't the first time, and the second time I almost lost you. How could I have been so stupid?" I ran my hand through my hair. "How could I have let you alone like that?"

"Ray stop." Kylie sighed and grabbed my hand. "This isn't your fault. Brad . . . he manipulates people. He can get whatever he wants."

"I should've know better." I shook my head.

"There was nothing that you could've done." She sighed and tried to move up, but when the pain became too much she fell against her pillows and let out a breath.

"Relax baby." I tried to help her get comfortable.

"It isn't your fault." She repeated. "He wanted me and Marisa, not you. If you would've stayed. You would've protected us and then you could've been hurt more than I am. You could've died." She closed her eyes.

"Look at you Kylie!" I exclaimed. "I don't want you like this." I shook my head. "I want to be in that spot. I want to take that pain away."

She sighed. "Ray, please . . . just-just hold me." She opened her arms up to me and I quickly yet gently held her close.

"Promise me that you won't leave me." I mumbled in her neck.

"Leave you?" She chuckled gently. "Ray, I couldn't leave you if I wanted to I love you."

I kissed her head and sighed. "I love you too baby." I pulled back gently. "Now I want you to get some rest. You're in pain and fighting off those medicines."

She relaxed against her pillows and sighed. "Will you and Marisa be here when I wake up?"

"Of course." I nodded and touched her hair just as her eyes gently closed and she fell into what looked to be a peaceful slumber.


Hey-oo! I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you did enjoy be sure to vote and comment letting me know that you did. You guys are awesome.

Luv ya!



Hispanic At the Disco

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