Chapter Twenty-Eight . . . Making It

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Chapter Twenty-Eight . . . Making It

Kylie's POV

"Kylie are you home!" Ray called as he walked into the apartment with a box of stuff in his hands.

"Where else would I be?" I laughed as I walked into the living room with Marisa in my arms.

To say the last couple of weeks were hard, well that would be an understatement. I was constantly working to make strides in recovery, and I did it. I was finally walking, although sometimes it was shaky and I did have to do therapy.

I now walked with a small limp, but it was better than not walking at all.

"How was your last day?" I smiled as I sat down on the couch, Marisa bouncing on my knee as she chewed on hand.

"It was . . . different." Ray chuckled as he reached for Marisa and peppered kisses on her face. "Probably about as strange as the day I was hired."

"Well at least it wasn't bad. Did Geoff cry?" I teased.

"No, but I'm pretty sure Vav teared up." Ray chuckled.

"Awe . . . he does realize that we live literally two minutes." I laughed.

"Eh," He shrugged. "He won't be seeing this handsome face everyday though." He wagged his eyebrows.

"Well," I laughed, "lucky me."

"Oh damn right lucky you." He teased and leaned down to kiss my cheek. "How was your day?"

"Not as interesting as yours," I smiled, "But Marisa and I have had a hell of a time during tummy hour."

"Tummy hour?" Ray chuckled and tickled Marisa's belly. "You mean she can lay on this thing."

I smacked his arm playfully. "That's not nice."

"Marisa knows I'm just kidding," He looked down at the small baby who was babbling fake words.  "Right Marisa?" He smiled and I shook my head as the baby nodded her head quickly, like she understood what Ray was saying.

"She's offended by your words." I smiled.

"Is not." He chuckled and tickled her causing her to go into a fit of laughter. "See, she totally fine."

"That's because she loves you so much." I shook my head.

"Uh who wouldn't love me?" He teased as I stood up on shaky legs.

"I mean I don't." I teased.

"What?" Ray blinked. "Well, Marisa and I don't need you, we have each other." He snuggled the baby.

"I gave birth to her Ray, she's mine." I crossed my arms.

"No way, she's my best buddy." Ray argued as he cuddled her close to his chest. "Mine." He fake growled.

"Fine," I nodded, "But that means you have to change all of her poopy diapers." I warned.

"Well," He looked at Marisa, "she's all yours." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "That's what I thought, now I'm going to start on dinner. Can you manage to keep an eye on your best buddy?" I teased.

"I'm going to lay her down to play," He said softly, "I have to talk to you about something."

"Is everything okay?" I asked concerned.

What could Ray possibly want me to talk about and since when has he ever been so serious?

"Yeah, I just . . . it's important." He nodded.

"Alright . . . I'll uh . . . be in the kitchen." I turned on my heel and made a bee line dash to the kitchen where I forced a breath in and out of my lungs.

Something was definitely up.

I tried to put nice thoughts into my head about Ray and I, but the only thing that I could come up with was Ray and I ending our relationship. Was he sick of me? Did he want to leave me? What about Marisa?

I forced my feet to move to the refridgerator where I pulled out the ingredients for the dinner we were having that night, tacos, Ray's favorite.

Now I was considering making his favorite dinner at all.

"Okay," Ray came into the room with a small smile. "So, I wanted to talk to you about something important . . . are those tacos?"

"Uh . . . yeah." I smiled and showed him the stuff. "So, what did you have to talk to me about?" I swallowed the lump in my throat.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "So, things have been changing around here. With my job on Twitch, you are walking, Marisa is getting bigger. I think we need another change. A big change."

I sucked in a silent breath and held it waiting for him to continue, my back to him as I fiddled with the ingredients in front of me.

"Kylie, honey, look at me." Ray sighed.

I bit my lip and ever so slowly turned around to find Ray smiling sadly at me.

"I want," He paused and knelt down on one knee before pulling out a ring. "I want us to get married."

"W-What?" I stuttered completely shocked.

"I want us to get married." He said again. "Look, I'm not good with this romantic shit. All I know is I love you, I love Marisa, and I want us to be a true family. Not that we aren't already, but .  . . you know what I mean. We've been through so much Ky, and we're unstoppable. I want to keep it that way and call you my wife." He sucked in a breath. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

I blinked a couple of times at the diamond ring he pulled out of his pocket. "You want to marry . ..  me?" I questioned. 

"No, I want to marry another woman who I have a beautiful daughter too." He rolled his eyes with a silly grin on his face.

"Ray, I'm trying so hard not to punch you." I warned jokingly as tears welded in my eyes.

"Ky, I love you." He said in a serious tone. "I want to be with you." He smiled softly. "So, say yes so my knee can stop hurting."

"Yes." I nodded quickly. "Yes, yes, hell yes."

He got up off his knee and hugged me tight. "God, I really do love you."  He said as he cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips passionately.

"I love you too." I sniffled.

He gently took my hand in his and slid on the diamond ring on my left ring finger. "I love you." He repeated. "I can't wait to start my life with you."

"Ray," I felt a tear slid down my cheek. "I love you so much."

Through thick and thin Ray has been by my side, and for so long I've pushed him aside, but now I wanted nothing than to move forward with him as my husband and me as his wife.

Mrs. Narvaez, has a nice ring to it, right?



So it's been awhile, *Blushes* I'm so sorry and I hope this chapter makes up for it. I have one more chapter in mind so this isn't the end. If you guys like this chapter be sure to leave a vote and a comment letting me know that you did.

You guys are awesome!!

Luv ya!



420! Blaze It!

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