Chapter Eighteen . . . Daddy's Girl

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Chapter Eighteen . . . Daddy's Girl

Ray's POV

I ran inside the hospital as soon as the cab dropped me off.

As soon as I got the call from Burnie I left the convention and came back home knowing that Kylie needed me by her side.

As soon as I got into the hospital I began looking around for signs frantically.

I didn't know where Kylie was, I had know idea where I was supposed to go.

I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

"Ray!" I heard and turned to find a tired looking Burnie.

"Where is she? And what the hell happened? You were supposed to be protecting her!" I yelled at him letting my emotions run all at once.

"Ray, please listen-"

"Ray." I heard Allie before I saw her come up and put a hand on Burnie's shoulder, "This is not the time to be blaming anyone. Kylie needs you."

My attention shot straight to Allie when she said Kylie's name.

"Where is she?" I asked even though it sounded like I was begging.

"She's in the NICU with Cat. She needs you Ray."

I didn't say anything, and instead ran down the hallway where Allie came from, following the signs that would lead me to my girls.

"Kylie, honey, I can't imagine what you are going through but you need to rest."

I heard Cat's voice as I walked into the cold, dim lit room.

"I can't .... I just can't leave her. She needs me." I heard Kylie sniffle and quickly walked to where I heard her small voice.

When I saw her my heart sank. She looked almost sickly with dark circles around her eyes, her once tan skin now pale, and together she looked lifeless. Like every hope she had was now gone.

"Kylie." I said softly and when her attention turned to me, she broke down in tears.

I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"It's okay." I whispered as tears filled my own eyes.

"No, its not. She's so small, and so sick. I should've protected her. I should've did something." She whimpered.

"Sweetheart, listen to me," I said as I pulled back slightly. "If you would've done anything more than you already did then you would've both died." I said softly and touched her neck that had a bandage on it.

"Do you- do you hate me?" She asked as she looked up at me with tear streaks down her cheeks.

"Hate you?" I asked. "No absolutely not. Do I blame you? No. Am I mad? Not at you. Do I love you with all my heart? Absolutely without a doubt. Does that answer all your questions?"

She gave me a small smile before laying her head on my chest and letting out a small sigh. "I know you don't hate me or blame me, but I'm still sorry." She said.

I kissed the top of her head. "Do you think... Do you think I can see her?" I asked slowly.

Kylie had been through so much, and I was so afraid that she would go back to her old roots and become so afraid of me that she wouldn't even let me see our daughter.

"Of course," She wiped her eyes, "they took her for some testing."

"Testing?" I asked.

"Her lungs aren't strong, and she can't eat and suckle from a bottle. So they want to see just how severe her condition is." She said and I watched her face drop.

"Ky, they're bringing her back." Cat said as a nurse began to wheel in a small crib with a plastic covering over it.

Cat gave Kylie a small hug. "I'll leave you two alone." She said before leaving.

Kylie turned towards me and sighed. "She's tiny and has some tuning on her." She warned me nervously before taking my hand and leading me over to the crib.

The small walk to the crib was the most nerve racking walk of my life. The little girl who I considered my daughter was lying in there, struggling to breathe and fighting for her life.

I was terrified.

Kylie squeezed my hand tightly before she looked into the case and I watched her eyes light up and a smile form on her lips.

I took a deep breath before looking into the case and seeing my small daughter with her eyes closed.

"Ray?" Kylie questioned nervously.

I gently touched the case and smiled and all those fears and worries washed over me and was replaced with happiness despite her size and her tubing.

"She's perfect." I said and smiled down at my daughter. "Yes you are. God, you are just the sweetest thing ever aren't you." I said in a baby voice causing Kylie to chuckle.

"She is, isn't she?" She smiled.

"God, we are so lucky." I said.

"We?" She smiled.

"What? You didn't think I would just leave you, did you?"

She shrugged, "Honestly, I was scared of how you would react."

I wrapped my arms around her, "I would never leave you." I said and kissed her head.

"I know ... Now." She chuckled.

I looked at our daughter. "Now I'm hooked, but we need a name for her."

"Actually I've been thinking and talking to her about it, and we like the name Marisa. What about you?"

I looked at the baby and watched her move her hand. "Well she responds well to it," I chuckled. "I think that's a good name."

Kylie nodded and yawned, "Me too."

"We should get you to your room. You need to rest." I said as I led her to the wheelchair.

"I want to stay with her." Kylie argued, but I shook my head.

"You can't take care of her if you can't take care of yourself. Besides, I want some one on one with my baby girl." I smiled.

"You promise to take good care of her?" She asked as she sat in her wheelchair.

"I promise."


HAPPY EASTER!! I hope you guys have a special day full of treats and love. I wanted to give a quick shout out to marisa407 obviously for using your name but also because I freaking love your SNAPCHAT stories, not to sound creepy lol. Enjoy your chocolate finally girl lol. If you all enjoyed the chapter please like and leave a comment.

Ghost Ray

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