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Epilogue . . .

A few months later  . . .

Kylie's POV

The white dress swayed as she walked down the aisle, her hair in a long beautiful braid, and her make up done to a T.

I smiled at the bride as she looked at me with fear in her eyes. Cat's worst fear was falling flat on her face on her wedding day, but after a long reassuring talk she declared that she would be fine today.

"She looks beautiful." Ray whispered to me as he bounced Marisa in his arms.

"I know." I chuckled and he rubbed my back with the free hand that he managed to make for himself.

"Not as beautiful as you're going to be." He whispered back, sending chills down my spine.

Ray and I decided that, although we were excited, we were going to take our time getting married. There was no rush in something that was going to be special for the both of us.

"You guys are ruining the moment." Allie whispered next to us as she bounced her own bundle of joy, Chase, in her arms. Chase was sucking on his knuckles in his little suit as his mother grinned at us with amusement.

Chase Haywood was born a few weeks earlier than suspected, and despite his mother's fear of failure, she took care of her baby like a perfect mother. Ryan, on the other hand, quickly found that being a father was quite tricky, but still did the best he could, and always came into the office with stories about his son who was doing new, and sometimes gross, things everyday. We shake our heads and continuously call him "Ryan the dad guy."

I shook my head and moved my attention to the front where Cat was being given to Gavin by Geoff. She decided that since her biological father couldn't be there for her then she would be given of by her one true father. Geoff, of course, cried like a baby in the office when she told him before scolding Gavin about taking care of his daughter.

Gavin stood up front, his daughter in his arms, as he grinned with pride and quickly took his soon-to-be wife from his best pal. Geoff then moved on to stand next to Gavin as his best man. He stood next to Ryan, Dan the man, and Gavin's brothers.

I tried to pay attention to the wedding but my mind kept wandering to things that happened within a couple of months. Ray left achievement hunter, and although we were all sad, we understood, but after much consideration from Geoff, I took Ray's place. Although I didn't have a big role like the rest of the cast, I did some editing, and Cat, Allie, and myself started our own series where we play stupid girl games, some scary games, and some popular games.

Marisa was growing everyday, she surprises me all the time by the things she learns and does. She began crawling early and has been forming words, but her favorite word is 'Chase'. She loves her buddy Chase and is always wanting to play with him. I had a feeling those two would be close and I'm not surprise by the love she has for him, and the look of confusion that he has for her.

Ray and I were better than ever. We loved each other, and he did everything he could to show me it everyday, little did he know that showing me everyday would lead to a little surprise of our own.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Everyone clapped as Cat and Gavin finally became husband and wife, and Ray kissed my cheek.

"You're amazing you know that." He whispered in my ear.

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I chuckled. "I've been watching the wedding."

"You just have this look on your face . . ." He trailed. "And this glow around you."

"Hm . . . do I?" I chuckled and blushed slightly. "I guess when you're pregnant you get a glow."

"Well they do say that happens with preg-" Ray stopped suddenly as his face twisted with confusion, excitement, surprise, and then more confusion. "Wait are you . . ." He trailed and I leaned up on my toes and kiss his lips before placing one of his hands on my belly. "Surprise daddy."

Ray paled and handed Marisa to me before sitting down.

"Ray?" I questioned loudly around the cheers and sat down beside him. "Honey are you okay?"

"Oh shit, you told him here." Allie sighed.

"We're having a baby?" He looked at me ignoring Allie.

I nodded slowly. "Yes, I thought you would be happy."

He grinned. "I'm ecstatic!" He yelled and hugged Marisa and I tightly. "I'm a dad again!" He said loudly, but no one really noticed.

I chuckled and cupped his cheek. "Maybe we should wait to tell people until after the reception."

"Oh my God how long." He said ignoring my question. "I mean I've been rough sometimes."

I blushed as Allie snorted before laughing loudly.

"Ray we're fine." I chuckled awkwardly.

"We need to get a doctor's appointment, and then get you on some medicine. Oh I don't want you anywhere near alcohol, and then we're going to have to stay away from the fish-"

"Ray!" I laughed. "Can we just . . . enjoy the wedding?" I question.

His face softened and the look of worry vanished from his face. "Oh right the wedding."

I shook my head. "I've done all of this before. Nothing will be different." I said slowly. "Trust me." I leaned in and kissed him slowly.

"Oh my poor baby's eyes." Allie chuckled.

I pulled away from Ray and kissed Marisa's head. "We're going to be a perfect family."

"I know, and I couldn't be any happier." He smiled and looked down at Marisa before back up to me. "I love you guys."

He leaned in and hugged us gently.

"We love you too Ray. We love you too."


This is it the end of Ray and Kylie's story. I hope you all enjoyed. Please leave a vote and a comment if you did, and be sure to check out my other stories, some fan-fiction and some of my own. Also I will be doing another AH fan fic, just not sure what I'm going to do yet, just be sure to look for it in the coming soon. You guys are awesome!

Luv ya!



Brown-Man out!


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