Chapter Fourteen . . .Let's Talk

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Chapter Fourteen . . . Let's Talk

Kylie's POV

It's been two days since Ray went to the convention, and I've felt lonely ever since.

I knew that Ray leaving was going to be hard on me, but I guess I didn't realize how hard it was going to be. I was alone before, but this time it was different.

I just wanted Ray to be here with me, making jokes and holding me and instead I was here by myself in Burnie and Ashley's bedroom.

I rolled onto my left sided and let out a breath, getting annoyed with how pity I sounded.

"When did I become so pathetic?" I asked myself as I felt a quick in my belly like the baby was agreeing with me.

"Hey Ky?" Burnie called from the other side as he knocked.

"You can come in." I said as I sat up with a bit of a struggle.

Burnie opened up the door with a smile before walking in and sitting next to me on the bed. "You feeling okay?"

I ran my fingers through my tangled hair. "Besides the whole pregnancy thing I'm fine." I lied.

"Yeah, sure you are." He chuckled."You know, it's okay to be missing him." He smiled. "Especially while you are pregnant and hormonal." He teased and nudged my shoulder.

"So I'm not going crazy or acting pathetic?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Under your circumstances, I think you are being pretty strong." He smiled softly. "Have you got any messages from your ex?" He asked and I let out a sigh before shaking my head.

"No, it's been quiet. I'm a little nervous actually." I said while I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Well, don't be. We're all here to protect you. Nothing is going to happen." He assured me.

"Thanks Burnie." I smiled and placed my hand on my belly. "But it's not me I'm worried about. It's her."

He looked at my belly and sighed. "Well nothing is going to happen to her either." He promised. "You two are like family, and we protect family."

I didn't say anything but instead wrapped my arms around him and engulfed Burnie into a big and tight hug.

He let out a chuckle and rubbed my back before I pulled away with a smile. "You're so sweet."

"Just what every guy wants to hear." He joked with a grin. "You know, I was actually coming in here to ask if you wanted to come to the office with me, so you aren't stuck in the house all by yourself."

"You know, I would really like that." I smiled while struggling to get off of the bed.

"Well hold on there." Burnie laughed at my awkward movement, before helping me.

"Thanks." I blushed and he shook his head.

"No problem, I'll meet you in the kitchen when you are ready." He smiled.


An hour later we were at the office and I was sitting in the office with Burnie, spinning around in my chair while he did work.

I felt like a little kid, but honestly I was quite bored.

"Jeez Kylie you are worse than my kids." He joked while looking up at me.

"Sorry, I'm just keeping myself entertained." I smiled as I stopped my chair.

"My bad," He sighed as he dropped the papers on his desk that he was holding, "I guess what Ray does is a little more interesting than what I do."

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