Leaving home

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Brooklyn's POV

I was walking home from school which is only about a mile away from my house where my father and I live and let me just say that I wasn't rushing to get home.

where are my manners?!?! MY name is Brooklyn Winston and my brother is Dallas Winston I am kid sister and I live with my dad only because  he won custody of me since I was 3 years old. I'm not really sure why I haven't seen my brother in such a long time but whenever I ask my dad he just tells me that he never cared about me at all but something is telling me that there is more to the story. Anyway, I liv in Detroit and know my way around well enough not to get lost or hurt, not that my dad would even care if I did.

More about my life, would be that I am 13 and in the 7th grade. I have been separated from my brother since I was 3, but  don't even know enough about him to know how old he is or where he lives. My home life isn't that great for a few reasons, first I get hit or beaten even if I do one small thing wrong like accidently breaking a glass when washing the dishes. Also I get hit if he gets drunk and gets mad, even if i didn't do a damn thing wrong he would take his anger out one me. My dad gets drunk pretty often and I sometimes think that I am more of an adult than him, maturity wised.

I have medium length hair that has highlight that make my hair lighter as it goes down to the ends. I have bright blue eyes that you wouldn't think are real because they are darker than normal blue eyes and almost look teal towards the middle of my eye. I'm kind of tall and really skinny compared to the other girls in my school. i have a few good friends and they have stuck with me through everything. Finally I do gymnastics  through the schools sports program and I started it so that I didn't have to go home as early as I would have to if I didn't do a sport after school hours. And I have to say that I am better than I thought and am a level 6 gymnast. 

when I got home about a half an hour after I had left the school and I got to our driveway and noticed that there were 4 police cars outside of our 2 story house. I was kind of confused about the whole thing but wasn't really concerned because I have come home to the fuzz being at my house many times before and it was mainly because my father was being "disruptive to the neighbors" as the cops would say.

I walk in the front door to be greeted by the sight of 4 police officers and my father in handcuffs. I didn't know what to do at first, I just stood there wondering what he could have done so wrong to be handcuffed and  why the police station feels the need to send 4 officer. 

it felt like I was standing in the doorway for ages until one of the officers speaks, breaking the silence.

"ma'am do know this man?" the man said, who had medium brown hair and dark brown eyes

"y-yes sir. He is my father."  I said stuttering, wondering if I had done something that would get me in trouble.

"your father is under arrest for endangering the welfare of a child." the officer said. "You are going to live with somebody else in your family starting in 3 days, till then you will be living in a girls home." He said.

I was in shock and scared but relieved that i wouldn't have to live with alcoholic father anymore. But I was scared only because I didn't know where I was going to live after I got out of the girls home.

I didn't know what to say, I just stood there like someone was just killed right in front of me.

" Ma'am I have to ask you to go pack your thing that you would like to bring to the girls home, you will be brought back here in a few days to collect the rest of the thing that you want to take to your new home." the officer said.

All I did was nod and walk off to the coat room to get a duffel bag so that I can pack what I need to bring. I ended up packing a few days worth of clothes, some PJs and what I have as makeup. I didn't worry to much about other things to bring to the girls home because I will only be there a few days.

After I finished packing I went back out to the main room were they still had my dad handcuffed and they were walking him out to one of the cars that were parked outside, 2 of the other officers had left when I went to pack my bag, so it was only the one officer that had talked to me to go and pack a bag and the other officer who was blonde and was walking my father to the police car.

I got in the other car and the man brought me to the girls home and when we left all I could think about was if i was ever going to have a normal life again. 





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