What Now?

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Brooklyn's POV

Me and Johnny were walking down the street with Max in my arms when we notice a mustang trailing behind us. I take a small glance behind me to see if I could recognize them and when I did the car sped up and pulled out in front of us cutting us off. I held a tighter grip on the pup and Johnny just looked at Max as if he could read the pups mind. I look at Max's face and I could hear the smallest growl that I have ever heard from a dog and I have trained a lot of dogs in my life.

"What do we have here? A couple and there mutt?" One of the socs said all cocky like.

"Y'all best back off!!" Johnny threatened.

"Get the dog!" The leader commanded.

Right when one of them tried to grab Max he did what I thought he would never do, he jumped from my arms and attacked the soc and also left a nice scrape on my arm that might scar but hey if it gets us out of a fight I will take it any day.

"What the hell?! Let's get outta here!! That dog is crazy!!" The leader yelled and I grabbed Max and held him over my shoulder while he was still fighting to get the soc that tried to attack us.

"Woah Max! Didn't know you could do that!" Johnny said petting Max on the head which seemed to calm him right down.

We got to the store and I had money that I have been saving for a long time and I get a cart and set Max in the inside so that I don't have to carry him. We ended up getting a food and water bowl a blanket for a bed, bag of food, collar that says his name and our address, a leash, a ball, and some treats that will help with training. We checkout and I put the collar and leash on him right away and Johnny decides to carry 2 out of the 3 bags.

We walk to Bucks and I go and put everything in my room and put some treats in my pocket. When I go downstairs I see that Johnny is playing with Max and trying to get him to sit down. Let me just say it wasn't goin' so well.

"You know I don't even know how old he is and you want him to listen?" I say sarcastically.

"Hey it's worth a shot, see what he already knows." He said and I just laughed as Max jumped on Johnny almost nocking him over.

"Wanna go to the park and start training him?" I ask wanting to start training as soon as I can.

"Yea lets go before it gets to dark." He says and I jump off the steps and walk to the to boys.

Johnny's POV

Me and Brooklyn were on our way to the park and all I could think about was how much I loved her and why Ponyboy would break her heart so bad that she would try and kill herself. I was beyond pissed off about that, not at Brooklyn but at Ponyboy and I haven't talked to him in a few days anyway but this just made it worse. We were walking in complete silence and I kept wanting to ask her to be mine but I don't for the reason that she just broke up with Ponyboy yesterday and she might need some time to get over that. I don't even think she has talked to him after what he said.

"So what are we going to work on first with training?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"I guess the basic sit and stay." She said watching the ground like she was worried about something.

"Hey everything okay?" I asked wondering what was going through her head.

"I guess, just still wondering what the hell I was thinking yesterday." She said and I stopped her.

"I know what happened and just know that I'm here for you and that you don't have to worry about Ponyboy or anything like that. If you need somebody to talk to you can always talk to me." I said and she was almost tearing up.

"Thanks Johnny. " she said quiet and still looking down. And this time I lifted up her chin and kissed her lightly and this time not regretting it.

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