New begining

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Brooklyn's POV

We had talked about a lot of thing when in the train station. Things like how it's like here and I told him about Detroit and that I thought he would love it there.

"What are the people here like?" I asked.

"Well, there are two different social classes and its best if you stay on the side of town that we live on, for safety reasons." He said explaining it to me.

"What do you mean different classes?" I asked

"Well there are socs and then there are greasers. The socs live on the west side and are the rich kids. Just try and stay away from them." Dally tells me making sure I know.

We started walking somewhere and we kept talking about a little bit of everything. Just as he started to say something a blue mustang slowed down next to us while we were walking.

"Hey hottie wanna come with us?" One of them said.

I got scared and Dal just made me walk on the other side of him so I wasn't close to the car.

"Get the hell out of here, and back to your own territory!!" Dally yelled at them.

Right before they could say anything back Dal glared at them giving them a silent warning. Just as he did that they sped off.

"What just happened?!?" I asked stunned at what hair happened.

"THOSE were socs." He said clearly annoyed.

"Are those the kind of people I stay away from??" I asked.

"Yes try and stay away from them." He said calming down.

We got back to where Dal lives and I will be living now on and he just showed me a room that I am going to keep my thing in and explains all the rules to me. After he was done with his lecture he said to get dressed and that I was to meet some of his friends.

I went and got dressed and brushed my hair so it was pin straight. I put on a pair of light was shorts with a dark red V neck shirt with black converse.
I went out to where Dal was and he stood up and we left.

It took about 15 minutes to walk to wherever we were going. And I didn't know how long it was going to take to walk there and I was still scared of those socs that might try and creep up on us. So I just walked close to Dally and he must have noticed because he quietly laughed at me and put his arm around my shoulders.

We go to where we were going and Dal stopped a little outside the door and said that it was okay and that they won't hurt me. So I trusted him.

Dallas Winston's little sister (An outsiders fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now