Really Max?!

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Brooklyns POV.

When I woke up I was still in Johnny's arms and when I looked up to see if he was still sleeping to notice that he was just watching me. Kinda creepy yet cute in the same way.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked still kinda tired.

"Not sure, lost track of time when watching you." He said and I just laughed a little at him.

"What's so funny?" He said smiling at me.

"Nothing, it's just your watching me sleep that I find funny." I said hiding my face.

"Your actually cute when sleeping." He said and I could feel my face heat up while blushing.

Just as I was going to say something else Max races in the room and jumps on the bed all jumpy and exited about something.

"Max down boy!!" I say and lift him off my stomach.

He just jumps on Johnny next and I assume he needs to go outside so I get up and get changed then get his leash and head outside with Johnny close behind me.

"He scared you didn't he?" Johnny asked me while wrapping his arms around my waist

"Yeah I guess he did." I said watching Max walk around ahead of us.

"You okay Brook?" He said and I turned to face him.

"Yeah max just reminded me of a little kid." I said and then Max walked over and once again nudged me to Johnny more.

"Someday there might really be a little kid." He said and kissed me and I kissed him back.

"Hey kids I'm going to the Curtis house. You going?" Dal asks us and we agree to go.

We have also been teaching Max to stay close when walking so soon we won't need a leash and he has been doing good at that so far.

We get to the Curtis house and walk inside when Two-bit spots Max and practically runs over and scoops Max up in his arms and the pup just licks him and gets even more happy.

"Well hi there little guy!" He says and I notice Ponyboy giving me a glare from the other side of the room.  

I take Max and put him on the floor and tell him to be good, I unhook the leash from his collar and he runs over to Two-bit again.

"What's your name!?" Two-bit says and picks up the pup again.

"Two-bit, it's a dog dumbass, he don't talk." Steve said and we all laughed while Two-bit walked off still with Max.

"Nice job you offended him! And made him take my dog!" I said and playfully punched his arm.

"Ow! When did you get strong?!" He said acting hurt. 

"You sayin I wasn't though before?!" I said to him joking.

"Hey I never said that!! Please don't kill me!" He said and we all looked at him and laughed.

"I'll take it into consideration." I said and then Max came down the stairs and jumped onto my lap.

"Ow Max!" I said and he started licking my face like he did this morning.

"HELP!! IM GETTING ATTACKED BY A PUPPY!!" I said and Johnny lifted him off me.

"Thanks." I said and he set Max on the floor.

"Brooklyn?" Johnny said looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"What?!" I said then Two-bit came downstairs and looked at me and stopped dead in his tracks.


Sorry I haven't updated in so long!! I will update more to makeup for it!!





Luv you all!! BYE!!

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