The Unthinkable

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Dally's POV

Me and Brooklyn were having a conversation and joking around when she jokingly runs out the door. Being the smart ass that I am I stay where I was and just listen for her. Then I hear the worst sound I have ever and will ever hear. Brooklyn's scream. At first I don't know what to do then it hits me that she might be facing off socs.

I run out the door and she screams again! I race to the front door and she has 4 socs surrounding her and is against the wall.

"DALLY!!!" She screams terrified.

"BROOK!!" I yell then run to her and tackle the nearest soc and almost kill him. When I hear there leader start talking.

"Let him go and she won't get hurt!" He yells and holds a blade to her throat.

Oh hell no!! He ain't going to hurt my baby sister!!! I think to myself and throw the soc that I have by the collar his shirt and he hits the ground and I am beyond pissed now.

Brooklyn screams one more time because the soc that was holding her dragged his blade down her collar bone and drops her. I run and catch her before she hits the stone ground.

"Brook! Please don't leave!! Your all I have left!! Please stay awake!! Brooklyn!!" I yell and lightly shake her.

Then I pick her up bridal style and bring her back into Bucks and bring her up stairs.

I put her on her bed and don't know what to do, if to call somebody or to stay with her and hope she wakes up soon.

I decide to stay and of she doesn't wake up in 24 hours I will bring her to the hospital.

4 hours later

I have been waiting for about 4 hours and she hasn't moved and I have tried to wake her but it does no good.

Then her eyes flutter open. And she starts to move but winces in pain from where they cut her.

"Dally??" She says weakly.

I walk over to her and she jumps then winces again.

"I'm right here. Your alright." I say and try to calm her.

"W-what happened?" She asked trying to move but failing. I make her lay back down.

"Some stupid soc got ahold of you and cut you up, then you blacked out." I said trying to leave out as much detail as possible.

"Oh. Right." She says remembering what had happened.

"How long was I asleep for?" She asked still tired.

"About four hours." I said trying to be quiet so she might go to sleep again.

"Oh" she said remembering what had happened.

"Why don't you sleep more." I said trying to get her to rest.

"I can't sleep now! I want to kick some soc ass!" She said finally sitting up and talking normally.

"Well we can hunt them down soon. But not now." I said laughing at her.

"Okay. But I still can't sleep." She said being stubborn. Wonder where she gets that from.

"Well do you want to go to the Curtis house?" I suggested.

"Yeah sure." She said getting up.

Then gets her hairbrush and magically flips her head upside down and makes a ponytail out of it. Do I know how she did the not a damn clue. But impressive.

We left and she had about an inch cut from her neck to her collar bone. And I was GOING to find those jerks and kill em'.

Brooklyn's POV

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