Leaving the Hidden Sand

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Ginko's P.O.V.

I look out of my window and see that the moon was high in the desert sky. Knowing it was time to go, I sat up and grabbed my bag that was on the floor at the end of my cot and opened my window, as I was already dressed. I took one last look around my room before I jumped out and climbed onto the roof where Gaara was waiting. He was standing at the edge of the roof with his arms crossed as he stared up at the moon.

"Ready?" he asked in his usual emotionless voice. I nodded, "Yes sir." He then used his sand to create a small platform big enough for two people and stepped on. As soon as I was on, we began to fly over the village. I almost fell off from the sudden movement, but luckily Gaara caught me before I did. We flew out of the village without the guards ever noticing us, and continued to fly for about two hours before we landed.

I jumped off and turned to bow at the waist. "Thank you for your help." I came up and smiled. "I'm forever grateful." He just stared back at me emotionlessly. "Just don't make me regret it." I nodded and pulled a necklace I had made him not to long ago out of my pocket, and held it up. "Wear this and I'll be able to find you anywhere." I leaned forward and put it around his neck, "And it's long enough so you can hide it under your shirt."

I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed the kanji on his forehead. "And don't worry, I always keep my promises," I whispered to him before letting him go and stepping back.

"You best head back to the village." He nodded once and his sand lifted him up as it headed west. I watched him for a moment before I turned and ran to my old village.

I had a few things I needed to pick up before I head to the Leaf.

Gaara's P.O.V.

I was on my way to the village when I felt the erg to look back, so I looked over my shoulder to see Ginko watching me before she turned and ran.

 'I'm going to miss that girl. It was fun messing with her, don't you think?' I ignored Shukaku comment and looked forward. 'I only wish we could've killed her.'

"Shut up. It's better if we let her live."

'You mean better for you?' I shut my eyes as I started seeing an image of Ginkos smiling face. It was the day the Kazekage had returned back from his trip to the Village Hidden in Willow Trees.



A.N. - Well... what do you think? Is it OK or could it be better? Tell me what you think.                      
Oh, and the pic on the side is Ginko when Gaara first saw her.

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