Team 7 and A Family Reunion... Sorta

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"As of today, you are all ninjas. To get here, you faced difficult trails and hardships. But that's nothing. What comes next will be far more difficult. Now you're only Genin, first level ninjas. All Genin will be grouped into three man squads. Each squad will be lead by a Jonin, an elite ninja," Iruka sensei said, and I heard Naruto "Huh?" quietly.

I heard Ino and Sakura gasp, probably thinking about the fact that someone will be pared with Sasuke.

"Well, someone's got to be in Sasuke's group. I wonder who," Ino said from beside me, sounding almost indifferent.

"I don't know," Sakura said as she turned to glare at Ino. I shivered slightly, the aura radiating off of the two was frighting.

I then began to think who I waned to be with. Naruto for sure. I would say Shikamaru, but I know he's needed for this generation of the Ino-Shika-Cho formation, so he's out. I really wouldn't mind I guess, but there was the possibility that I'll be the fourth person on a team, seeing as how there's an even amount of graduates and all.

Something told me a few people were wondering or hoping who was on their squad as well...

"We want each squad to have a balance of strengths and abilities, so that's how we set them up," Iruka sensei continued. 'Well, Naruto's either with me or Sasuke, or both of us...'

"I will now announce the squads..."

I tried to listen as our sensei listed the squads, to see who was with who, but I soon lost interest just like my friend, Shikamaru, who was sitting on my left. So I tried to make conversation.

"Who do you want on your squad, Shika?"

He shrugged lazily, "I really don't care. But I guess having Choji on my team would be nice, and having you on my squad would be beneficial, seeing as how you're as smart as those from my clan and don't fawn over Sasuke..."

I nodded, "Yeah, I'd like to be on your squad, too. And I'd like to be with Naruto as well." He rolled his eyes, "What a drag. You're always wanting to be with Naruto." I smiled at the lazy Nara. "Well, he is family."

"Squad seven. Naruto Uzumaki..."

That got my attention, as well as Naruto's.

"Sakura Haruno..." Naruto stands and cheers while Sakura's head falls forward saying, "I'm doomed."

"Sasuke Uchiha..." Suddenly the roles are switched and Sakura stands and cheers while Naruto's head falls forward, saying "I'm doomed."

"And because of the extra graduate this year, Ginko Uzumaki will also be on squad seven." I smiled as Naruto cheered again. I felt a nudge and looked at Shikamaru. "Looks like you got your what you wanted," he muttered quietly.

"Next, squad eight. Hinata Hyuga..." I Heard Hinata say a quiet, "Yes, sir." before he continued.

"Kiba Inuzuka..." I heard Kiba chuckle when his name was called.

"Shino Aburame," Iruka sensei finished as I saw Sakura turn around and give Ino a peace sign.

"Ah. How did you get in his group? Ugh!" Ino cried out, her fists clenched and eyes narrowed as she trembles in anger.

"I don't get it. What do you see in a guy like that? He's not so special," Shikamaru says from beside me and I nod in agreement. Ino turned to give us an incredulous look.

"You are so beyond clueless, Shikamaru. Don't you get it? I thought you'd at least understand Silver."

"No, I don't get it, because I'm not a girl," Shikamaru said irritably while I simply shrug my shoulders. I saw Sasuke as a sparing partner, maybe even a potential friend.

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