It's only a dream...

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Hello, everyone. My name is Veronica, I'm Naomi's sister. She hasn't been able to do much of anything for her story because she was diagnosed with cancer a little over a year ago. She's always in pain and isn't able to do much of anything. I wanted to take away some of that pain, if only for a little, so I began to read her stories. 

Over time, she wanted me to read her story to her, as well as the comments everyone left. After reading her a comment that made her laugh so hard that she stopped breathing, I had been hesitant to continue. Though she nearly lost her life, she said it had been the best she felt in months and begged me to continue. When I finally did, I took my time on the comments, afraid of what comment would almost kill my already dying baby sister. 

When we reached the end, she asked me to continue the story for her. I have no idea what she had been planning, but going through random bits of notes she had here and there, I have an idea. The comments gave me a licking of an idea as well, so I wrote a little thing for her. It wasn't all positive, but it made her smile. She liked it and said she wanted it in the story. So, as she has before, I made it a dream.

I only wish to make her happy and as long as people continue to leave comments that make her laugh - but not so much that it killers her - I will continue on for her. If only to see her smile.



Sasuke stared at the daisies on his windowsill, watching as they blew in the wind softly. Naruto has yet to visit him, though every other member of his team has seen him more than once this week and every week before. He was actually getting irritated with the blonde for giving him the 'silent treatment' as Ginko called it. He was childish, empty-headed, frivolous. Glaring at the flowers, he turned his back on them and faced the door on the other side. That's when he saw the shadow and watched as the door slowly opened. Not feeling like talking to anyone, he quickly closed his eyes and slowed his breathing, pretending to be asleep. 

Sasuke listened as the person at the door stayed in one place. They were there for some time before sighing and walking into the room, shutting the door behind them. He heard the steps approaching and focused on the chakra, soon recognizing the large ball of light that was Naruto. He paid him a visit? Was this the first time, or had there been others? "I know you're awake, jerk. I've watched you sleep for the past two weeks, you can't fool me," the blonde said, irritating clear in his voice. Sasuke slowly opened his eyes, taking notice of the blondes' narrowed blue eyes as he stared back at him.

Not liking the look in his teammates' eyes - or the feeling something much bigger than both of them was glaring at him - he turned away so his back was to the boy. "Jerk," he heard him mutter, and he couldn't help responding, "Loser."

"I'm the loser? You're the one who got your ass handed to you by your brother, and I had to save your sorry ass," Naruto said harshly, standing from his chair. Sasuke heard it scrape against the floor, hearing the blonde walk around the bed to face him. He tried to turn away again, but the Uzumaki grabbed his shoulder and held him in place. "You ran to me. I didn't ask for your help, but you showed up anyway. Everything would have been fine if you stayed here like a normal person," Naruto said, his voice low but dark. Sasuke looked up into his eyes, expecting to see blue, only to see red, hate filled eyes. "I didn't mind you coming; hell, I was glad to see you! But then you had to be your old self and run at the enemy half-cocked and refusing help."

Sasuke watched in horror as his teammate began to change. His nose extending, fangs growing, ears becoming pointed as they moved to the top of his head. In a matter of seconds, he took the form of the Nine-Tails, leaning over him as he growled, "No wonder he left you…" 

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