It's the 3rd Exam! Place Your Bets!

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A.N. - Hope you guys like the chapter~! I tried my best. Oh, and Yukima's mother doesn't belong to me, she from Avator the Last Air Bender

~愛 Naomi


"Come on, big brother! We gotta go!" Ginko yelled up the stairs. She heard something crash to the floor and soon heard Naruto's bedroom door open before he came running down the stairs. She tossed him some toast and an apple before making her way to the door, eating the rest of her peach as she put on her shoes. "Sorry, lil sis, but I couldn't find my weapons anywhere," Naruto said around his toast. "Could you leave me a note next time you clean my room so I can find stuff when I need it?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that. Anxiety kicked in and I just had to clean something," she replied, slipping on her shoes and opening the door. "You clean all of upstairs or did you get downstairs, too?" he asked following her outside and locking the front door. "Just upstairs; by the time I finished cleaning the upstairs bathroom, I was calm again." Naruto nodded and ran with her down the street, eating his apple along the way.

Gaara looked around the stadium, taking in the number of people who came just to see them fight. Word had gotten around that the Raikage's niece made it to the finals and that the daughter of the Copy Ninja, granddaughter of the White Fang, was fighting against one of the Kazekage's sons, which had doubled the number of people attending. So many people had come that they had to add in a few more rows to accommodate them. So many innocent people that were more than likely going to be killed. He turned around, hoping to see Ginko run into the stadium with her cousin. He wanted to keep an eye on them; keep them safe, when his village betrayed theirs.

Yukima stared up at the Raikage, his stern expression making her nervous. Tanuki elbowed her lightly, "Calm down, will ya? You're stiffer than a pedophile in a room full of academy students." Yukima's eyes widened and she retaliated by punching her friend in the shoulder. "What the hell is wrong with you?! That's not funny!" Tanuki just laughed, rubbing her hurt shoulder. "At least your more relaxed," she reasoned. "You need to not freak on me, 'kay? It's not like the Raikage hasn't seen you in action before."

"Easy for you to say. He's not your uncle. I get nervous every time he watches," Yukima whined. She snuck a look up at her uncle, seeing her father stand right next to him, doing those weird hand movements he always does whenever he raps. "And my Old Man is probably annoying him with all his damn rapping," she added just before she watched the Raikage grab her father in his 'Iron Claw' as the Hokage laughed. "See. What I tell you?" Tanuki rolled her eyes and hooked an arm over her teammate's shoulder, bring her down to her hight, seeing as how the white-haired girl had a good 9 inches on her simple 5 foot. "I see a loving father cheering on his little girl through song and a caring uncle who doesn't want his favorite little niece embarrassed by her father's strange ways," Tanuki said, looking up that A and B fondly. Yukima smiled slightly, putting her arm around her friend.

"Where are your folks?" she asked, feeling the girl shrug. "Somewhere in those stands pickpocketing. With all the rich people here, they probably brought everyone," Tanuki responded the fond look still on her face. Yukima rolled her eyes.

Tomoe stood by the railing in the stands next to Shuichiroh, looking out over the contestants when Ginko and Naruto arrived. The slave recognized the silverette immediately, her grip on the railing tightening. "R-runt," she muttered softly. Shuichiroh looked over at her then at Runt. "You know her?" he asked. Tomoe nodded, "Sh-she was my tr-trainer and fr-friend. I-I heard th-that she e-escaped, b-but I never wou-would have th-thought that sh-she would be-become a Sh-shinobi." Shuichiroh nodded. He remembered the girl from the Forest of Death and how she had easily killed his cousins with the help of Orochimaru's curse mark. He knows how she felt afterward, but still, he was grateful. Two less family members he'll have to deal with in the future.

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