She's Around Here Somewhere...

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Ahh~! So sorry this took a whole month (usually takes me less than), but I got a girlfriend and have been spending almost every waking moment with her, so this became second to life. It's not as long as I wanted it to be (still tryna get it up to the 10 again, cuz that was fun), but I got everything I wanted in here, so I guess I can't complain. 

Lyrics are from the song City by Hollywood Undead

~愛 Naomi


Naruto sat at the kitchen table, slowly eating his ramen. He only had ramen for breakfast on the 13th of August because Ginko only ever slept in on that day. She usually woke up before him to make something so that he didn't have to have ramen; something about it being unhealthy. He tried to return the favor once, only to set fire to the kitchen. He had stayed a good 3 feet away from the oven ever since. When the door in the living room started to open, Naruto quickly ran to the kitchen, inhaled his ramen and trashed the evidence, worried that it was Ginko and she'd nag him for not having a healthy breakfast.

When his uncle walked into the kitchen he groaned and whined for a good 10 minutes because he did all that for nothing; he never had ramen for breakfast and he had wanted to savor the moment. Kakashi looked at him strangely before moving to make a bowl of cereal. Naruto followed him when he finished and plopped back down in his chair at the table, half expecting the man to shoo him away while the other half eagerly awaited for the moment the man would remove his mask. He'd barely seen his uncle for the past two weeks, what with all the time the man's spent at the KIA stone, the library, and other places in the village. It's weird how late the library will stay open for one man. Kakashi glanced over at his nephew, "You want to see my face, don't you?"

"Well, we're family. I have a right to know if you have buck teeth or not." The blonde looked at the man expectantly, like what he said was reason enough. Kakashi blinked at the boy before glancing at the empty chairs. "Where's Ginko?" Naruto didn't look away from his uncle as he said, "Either still asleep or staring up at the glow stars she put on her ceiling. It'll be a while, so don't try and change the subject." Kakashi raised a brow before looking over at the door he came through. "You answered that pretty quickly... She does this often?" Naruto shook his head, "No. She's usually up pretty early."

"But... It's almost 9 o'clock." Kakashi was beyond confused. Why would she still be asleep? And if she was awake, why would she just stare at the ceiling? "Yep. And she's got at least two more hours before I'm forced to go get her up." He turned to his nephew, studying his face as if he'd find all the answers he was looking for there. "Why?"

"That's Gin's place to tell you. Not mine. Now, are you gonna eat or what, 'cause your cereal looks pretty soggy." Kakashi looked down at his bowl to see that his breakfast was, indeed, soggy. He gave a hesitant glance towards his nephew, who had leaned forward expectantly, before slowly pulling his mask down. To be honest, Naruto had kinda been hoping for the big lips or buck teeth, possibly even both, so he was kinda disappointed to see that his uncle looked hot. "That's it? All that's there is a damn-"


"-Beauty mark! The hell-"

"Naruto, your language."

"-Uncle Kakashi?! You had us thinking you were all ugly, but your just another guy with a pretty face like... like..." Kakashi raised a brow at his nephew as he ate his breakfast, watching the blonde try to figure out who else had a 'pretty face'. He won't deny it; his father told him once before that while he looked identical to himself he had his mother's softer features. He watched as Naruto snapped his fingers and pointed at him, "Like Haku. And Sasuke, too. At first, I could've sworn the bastard was after Gin, but after listening in on a few of there conversations, I learned he's just some weird guy who can see beauty in a woman without being attracted to them and acts like a girl behind closed doors."

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