Konoha Crush... Caught in the Crossfire

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Alright, here she is~! Is a couple hundred more words than the last chapter, obviously not as long as I wanted it to be, but I tried my best. I hope I did okay on the battles (not good on those in my opinion), as well as the characters. Let me know if I need to work on some people, K?

​​​​​​​Hope you enjoy~!

~愛 Naomi


Lee didn't know what to do. The place where the Kage were seated erupted in smoke, someone cast a genjutsu to put everyone to sleep, and now, after having been released from said Genjutsu, his angel was telling him to bring her down to his rival so she could heal him instead of asking to be taken to a medic. "Lee." He looked down at Ginko with confusion and worry. "You need to take me to Gaara. If I don't heal him, we'll both continue to be in pain," she whispered, reaching up to pull off her forehead protector. Once he saw the mark that she hid from the world, he understood; but it brought forth many questions that he wasn't sure he wanted the answers to. One look at her shoulder though, seeing the blood that still seeped through the wound, he decided it didn't matter what she was or if he ever got answers, just as long as she was okay.

"Hold on," he told her, arms slipping around her lower back and under her knees. He picked her easily and jumped over the railing, for the first time in his life ignoring his Sensei's calls.

Gaara groaned, not knowing if he should grab his throbbing head or aching shoulder. He settled on grabbing his head as, for some reason unbeknownst to him, Shukaku began to run rampant in his mind, acting as if he was trying to get away from something. He didn't understand why the One-Tail was acting so strangely but he, unfortunately, trusted him. It took him a moment to register Lee or Ginko's presence, not fully processing the information until she was healing his shoulder. It hurt looking up at them; the sunlight sending sharp pains throughout his head, but he was glad to see Ginko and the green blur standing not too far away, keeping someone from approaching as Ginko worked on him.

He knew Ginko was in pain but she hid it surprisingly well, considering he found it hard to even keep his eyes open. How was she able to do that?

Lee stood before Gaara's siblings and Sensei, refusing to let them pass. He knew he could trust Gaara near his angel but any other Sand Shinobi, sibling to his rival or not, he would keep them away at a reasonable distance no matter how many times they told him they meant both Genin no harm. Words meant nothing here as their comrades fought up in the stands.


Maybe running to fight alongside his wife and student hadn't been such a good idea; B couldn't keep his eyes off of the older woman, the slit in her skirt occasionally revealing more and more of her creamy thighs when she kicked someone away or took on a stance for a specific Jutsu. He tried focusing on the enemy, he really, truly did, but with a woman like Toph standing right there, legs looking as alluring as they did...

"Lord B. I know you love your wife, but now is not the time to ogle her!" Nezumi squeaked as she took down another Sand Shinobi, a scowl on her mouse-like face. B sputtered, just barely dodging a kunai. "I wasn't ogling 'cause I don't ogle. Fool, ya fool." B hit a Willow Kunoichi with the butt of his sword, face red from being caught by his student. At least it wasn't Tanuki this time. That girl never let him live down the one time, one time, he ever felt up his wife in public. He still doesn't know how she found out about it...

A startled sound escapes B as he was pulled down by his scarf, his wife capturing him in a kiss. He melts into it easily, slowly coaxing Toph's mouth open with teasing nips of his teeth and wet swipes of his tongue, enemies momentarily forgotten. Nezumi rolled her eyes as she tried to keep the enemy away from the couple, glad to see her two teammates approaching their location. She smiled when she heard Lady Toph whisper that he was a liar before kissing her husband once more.

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