Even Angels Have Their Demons... Even If It's Themselves

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Last time on She's My Cousin...
I saw Zazu look at me for a moment before looking at Papa and saying, "So I'll have to eliminate you first, eh, Kakashi? So be it." He then pulled his sword out of the tree, jumping onto the water.

"He's over there!"

"Standing on the water!"

I sensed his chakra flare as he began to build up a large amount of chakra, his hands in the position for a Hidden Mist jutsu, the water swirling around him in small droplets.

"Ninja art. Hidden Mist jutsu!"

'Why couldn't our opponent be a complete and total stranger? It would make this mission somewhat easier.'


Ginko's P.O.V.

"He vanished!" Naruto exclaimed as Papa walks in front of us. "Sensei!" Sakura cried in shock.

"He'll come after me first,"Papa said sternly, which made me uneasy. "But who is he?"

"His name's Zabuza Momochi. He's an ex-leader of the Hidden Mist Assassination Unit. And he's a master of the silent killing technique, so don't lower your guard for even a second," I responded from between Naruto and Sasuke. "S-silent?" Naruto stuttered and I nodded.

"As the name suggests, it happens in an instant without sound or warning of any kind. It's so fast, you die without realizing what's happened. He's tried to teach me in the past, but water isn't one of my chakra natures." I heard Naruto gulp and felt Sasuke tense.

"Ginko's right. The Sharingan cannot fully neutralize it, so don't lower your guard," Papa added. I could barely her Sakura shaking and Sasukes exhale when Naruto gasps.

"Well, if we fail, we only lose our lives," Papa said plainly. "And it's so quick you don't feel it, so it's all good," I added, laughing slightly from nerves.

"How can you say that?" Sakura asked, horrified. I just shrugged as I followed Zazu's chakra. "Just stating the facts."

It was quiet for a moment as the mist got thicker.

"The mist is getting thicker and thicker," Naruto said in amazement. "The land of waves is surrounded by ocean. The swirling mist is ever present." The mist became so thick that I couldn't see Papa anymore. "Sensei," Sakura said just before I sensed Papa's chakra flare slightly before moving to hide in the mist, his clone staying behind to stand in his place. 'He must've been waiting for when we couldn't see him anymore...'

"Eight Points."

"What's that?" Sakura asked.

"Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, heart. Now, which will be my kill point? Any inputs Little Angle?"

I refrained from saying something I'd regret later. I could feel eyes staring at the the front and back of my head. I noticed that it was more than the number of people here, so I sent out an unnoticeable wave of White chakra, but I couldn't pick up anything because it was all sent back to me when 'Papa' decided to send out a wave of chakra to clear the mist.

'Well... at least we can see him now.'

I closed my eyes and took a beep breath before sending out another wave. I focused on the chakra as it traveled through the woods, pulsing when it picks up the chakra of even the smallest bugs. Finally, after what feels like an hour, I pick up the chakra of a well hidden ninja. It's small, almost unnoticeable, even for me, but it's still there. They seem to be just observing, so I guess they're no threat. For now anyway.

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