Till Death Do Us Part

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Before I could even think of moving, my kanji's were burning and I felt as if I was just impaled. I look down to see a wound in my chest, blood seeping through to my clothes. I felt angry and betrayed as if someone I trusted did this to me. I soon realized the feelings were not my own, so I closed my eyes and that's when I saw him; a man with a snake-like appearance. He had very pale skin, golden eyes with slitted pupils, purple markings around his eyes and fang-like teeth. He also had pronounced cheekbones and straight waist-length black hair with some locks covering and framing his face. He was dressed in plain gray garbs with a black polo with pants underneath, a thick purple rope belt tied in a large knot behind his back, and blue tomoe-shaped earrings.

I recognized him instantly as Orochimaru, one of the Legendary Sanin of the Leaf, and it didn't take long for me to realize that he was killing Master Rasa.

Orochimaru ripped the sword from his chest and he fell to the desert floor, his blood seeping into the sand below him before everything went black.


???'s P.O.V.

*Somewhere in a random forest while on an A ranked mission...*

It was so easy killing them, crushing them into nothing, erasing them from existence. There's no feeling like it, taking a life.

The feeling of being alive.

"That was easy," Temari said, the smirk evident in her voice. "I thought it was supposed​ to be an 'A' rank mission, not a 'C' rank," Kankuro added. I ignored them as I moved to kill a nearby rodent.

A slave calls for its new master.

I ceased all movement, listening to the strange voice and processed its meaning, as well as the pull I feel towards the ocean.

'It's that brat, Ginko.' Mothers voice echoed throughout my mind. 'You know what this means don't you?'

"The Kazekage is dead," I said, looking back at my 'siblings'. Temari and Kankuro didn't seem to have heard me for they were in their own conversation, seemingly about our current mission.

'Leave them,' Mother whispered, 'you can deal with them later. Your precious slave girl is waiting for you.'

I quickly turned and jumped into the trees, heading towards the ocean and Ginko. It was easy to ignore my 'siblings' once they realized I was gone.

'Haha. You've got it bad, boy, and you don't even know it.'

Naruto's P.O.V.

*A good ass kicking later...*

"What do you mean, 'I don't know what happened to her'?! You were here the entire time!" I yelled at Inari as my cousin continued to bleed from a wound in her chest. I could see white chakra at the edges of it, trying to heal her, but it didn't seem to be going anywhere like the wound just refused to heal.

"But, they didn't do anything to her. She just... fell," Inari said, just as confused as I was. "It was like an invisible man stabbed her..." he added softly. I look at the confused and worried look on his face before looking back down at my cousin, finally understanding what was happening to her.

I sat down beside her and whipped away the sweat on her brow with my jacket sleeve. I should go to the bridge to help the others, but I can't leave her here like this. She won't die, but she won't wake from it easily either. I know that much.

"Move," a raspy, monotone voice said, and I look up to see a boy with blood red hair and sea foam green eyes, a sand gourd on his back. The same boy Ginko's shown me pictures of almost every chance she got when she first moved to the village.

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