Think On It; Work On It; Train On It

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I'm so sorry, guys! My Google Docs somehow lost all of my work, not just this story but everything I have ever written but never published was just gone! I cried and mourned for a few days before trying to remember what I wrote down and I could only remember so much! 😭 again I'm so sorry this took forever and that it's so short! I hope what I was able to remember is okay!

~愛 Naomi


“Hey, has anyone seen Itachi?” Kisame asked when he interesting the kitchen where everyone mostly hung out. Kakuzu, who was counting his money, ignored him; Deidara, who was making brownies (never a good sign. No one trusts him after what happened the first time he made brownies for everyone), shrugged; Zetsu, who was eating what looked like an arm, looked up at Kisame. “I think Tobi knows where he went,” White Zetsu said, before Black Zetsu added, “He wouldn't shut up about it.”

Kisame nods his thanks and left to look for the man in the orange mask. It took a while to found him (having realized he probably should've asked where he was, Kisame had returned to the kitchen just in time for the brownies Deidara had been making explode. They tasted pretty good, but the blonde really needs to consider taking the C-4 out of the recipe), but when he did, the man asked him to stand in a pose for his painting.

“Do not worry, Big Man Kisame! Tobi is almost finished with his most beautiful picture!” He hummed in response and looked up at his arms, wondering if he would ever feel them again. He didn't get why the man-child called him “Big Man Kisame”, but in a way, it was cute and reminded him of a kid. It's why he always got on to anyone when they talked bad about the strange man.

When Tobi finally cried out, “Done!” Kisame almost fell to his knees, thanking the God's he no longer believed in. “Would Big Man Kisame like to see Tobi’s beautiful picture?” Kisame looked over at the masked man and smiled a little as he remembered his daughter doing the same thing once. “I'd love to,” he said, heading over towards the smaller man. Tobi was practically bouncing with excitement by the time Kisame was at his side. “Tada~!” Tobi exclaimed, gesturing towards the painting.

On the canvas was the shark standing in the same pose Kisame had been in not to long ago, sea creatures staring at it with large eyes. It looked like something a kid would paint. “It looks good, Tobi. I like it,” Kisame said with a smile. It fell to a confused look when he faced the masked man who somehow managed to have stars shining in the hole where his eye could see through, as well as all around his head. The taller man stared for a moment before slightly shaking his head and asking, “Do you know where Itachi is? I can't seem to find him.”

The stars suddenly disappeared as Tobi said, “Oh, Big Man Kisame won't find Red Eye Itachi here because he left yesterday at high noon! Tobi remembers because Tobi was told not to tell anyone!” Kisame didn't know if he should be disappointed in Tobi for not keeping a secret for his partner or if he should be glad he didn't… Tobi made two, 360° turns before pointing in a direction, saying, “Red Eye Itachi went that way! Tobi remembers because Tobi saw a bird poop on the tree Red Eye Itachi had just passed!”

Kisame thanked Tobi and headed in the direction the masked man had been pointing, now knowing that Itachi was headed to the Leaf.

He also vaguely thought of teaching Tobi how to keep secrets…


“Oh, stop being such a big baby, Kitten,” Ginko said as she finished slicing an apple for Sasuke, who currently had his arms crossed and glaring out of a window. “He took all that time to get the woman, the least he could've done was be here when I woke up,” he complained, still glaring out the outside world. “And you wonder why I say you'd be Uke,” Ginko mumbled under her breath. Sasuke, having heard her, turned his glare towards her instead. He opened his mouth to deny that he would most certainly not be Uke, nor would any Uchiha, but she spoke before he had a chance to.

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