Mission Gone Wrong

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I smiled at Naruto as we walked home from a long day of training. Well, Papa and I would call it training, Naruto and the others would call it a mission. For some reason, the others have their heart set on trying to find out what's under Papa's mask. Well, if I didn't know what was under there I might be curious, too.

Either way, curiosity killed the cat and only satisfaction can bring it back.

Anyway, while we were walking home, I thought about what Papa said after he said we passed his test and became Genin...


"You're the first squad that ever succeeded, and realized the true purpose of this test. The others did exactly what I said and fell into every trap. They couldn't think for themselves. 'A ninja must see through deception.' In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum. That's true," he paused and looked up to the heavens before continuing. "But those who abandon their friends are far worse than scum."

"Ah," Sakura cries as she stares at our sensei in awe.

"Hn," was all Sasuke said as he smiled and looked over at me.

"He's a-- You know, he's kind of cool," Naruto says as he puts an arm around me, giving me a look that said 'Best Uncle ever'. I smiled and hugged Naruto as Papa said, "The exercise is over. Everyone passes." He then began to move dramatically just to give us a thumbs up and says, "Squad 7 starts its first mission tomorrow!"

"Yes!" Sakura says and does a small jump.

"We did it! We did it! Believe it! We're ninja! Ninja! Ninja!" Naruto said as he grabbed my hands and began to jump around, me following not long after, laughing the entire time. He may be a goober and an idiot, but he's my goober and idiot.

"Let's go home," Papa said before turning to leave, all of us going to get our things before following.

I look at my team members and smile as I thought, 'This is by far the most interesting and crazy combination group of people, but I have a feeling we'll be the one the best there ever was...'


I smiled and pulled out my book, my thumb finding the last page I was on easily, and began to read.

"I can't believe it, after all that hard work, we still don't know what's under that mask!" Naruto complained beside me. Papa had disguised himself a photographer to 'help' them find out what's under his mask, only to be stopped by Anbu, Akamaru jumping in front of the camera, and Papa being a Shadow clone on their last attempt. I ended up finding Papa without his mask later today as he talked to his clones, and he made me promise not to tell the others I saw what's under his mask, other than another mask, of course.

"You'll get him next time, buddy," I said as I turned the page and continued reading.

I saw Naruto look over at me from the corner of my eyes as he said, "I can't believe Kakashi sensei reads the same book as you. I bet he wears that mask to cover a bloody nose or blush or somethin' like that, like you." I blushed at that and pulled up my scarf up to hide it.

"Naruto!" I whined as I thanked God no one was around to hear him.

The next day...

"Sasuke, I'm at point B."

"Sakura, I'm at point C."

"Ginko, I'm at point D."

"Naruto, I'm at point A, believe it."

"Go slow, Naruto. Okay, Squad 7. Hmm? The target has moved! Follow it!"

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