Demons, Nightmares, and A Couple of Heros'

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A.N. - Hey, guys. Sorry if this seems a little rushed, 'cause I wanted to get this posted on Naruto's birthday, because, well... Naruto. 🍥

Also, since the library in this small ass town never has Naruto in, I saved up enough money to buy a box set of Naruto 1-27! XD And let me just say, *sniffs* it's beautiful. It's new, and smooth, and just so unused! I wanted to write 'Naomi's Naruto. Property of Naomi. Do not touch except for Naomi,' like Krunk and Birdwell did in Krunks New Groove. It was so amazing I just stared at them all for a good 15 min. before I desided I need to get to work on my story. *sigh* So I picked up #4 and began peering in like someone sneak reading an Icha Icha until I really had to open it all the way to see the words properly.

So, the story goes to the manga version at the end here for reasons I have stated and will continue to be manga version because I can't keep a straight face while watching the episodes on YouTube because somehow I find the ones where the voices are really strange and do not go with the characters at all.

Oh, and y'all know I love your criticism (even though most of you say only good things about my story and how great it is and it makes me cry because you're all so sweet while just a small part of me wonders if you're lieing), but please, do not say mean things about the obvious M/M ship, ok? I adore them and I don't need haters shittin' on my parade, ok?

Thank you, and please enjoy the story while I go buy a slice of cake and watch Krunks New Grove. 🍰 🎉

~愛 Naomi


Last time on She's My Cousin...

'What the hell happened here?'

That's when I felt it, same as Haku. I turned to look towards Papa's chakra, who was charging at Zazu at full speed. 'No, he can't! He can't kill Zazu!' I look over at Haku seeing him make multiple signs with one hand before disappearing. Knowing exactly what he was planning to do, I threw a marked sendon, feeling determined.

'I refuse to lose either my Dad or big brother Haku!'

I made the sign of the tiger, thinking of the sendon that I just threw.



It was quiet at the bridge, the only sound that could be heard was what seemed to be a thousand birds chirping, but soon that sound faded to nothing. The mist that surrounded the bridge slowly began to lift and it wasn't long before there was an ear-splitting scream. It was loud enough that the small village, that was a bit of a ways away, could hear it. Worried, the villagers hurried towards the bridge with a red-haired stranger running off ahead of them.

On the bridge, a silver-haired man laid down a girl with similar hair, blood running down from the corner of her mouth and from a hole in her left shoulder. The man near him fell to his knees, the boy who stood between them falling with him, pulling him close as the man silently cried. A blonde haired boy ran towards them, sliding on his knees when he neared them, tears running down his face as he looked over the bleeding little girl. He whispered her name but received no response. He shook his head and slowly reached out to her, his hands shaking so hard it was hard for him to simply grab her hand and pull it up to his chest, holding it to his heart as he rocked back and forth. He whispered her name over and over and he cried harder than he had before. He didn't want to lose the only family and love he had ever known.

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