In One Months Time...

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"So, these are the basics," the Hokage said after he explained the third exam. "I would like to let you all go now, but first there's one last thing we.kust do for the finals."

"Hey, come on!" Naruto yelled. "I need to start training now!" Tanuki stuck a finger in her ear, trying to block out the blondes loud mouth. And she though Yukima's family was bad. "Now then, don't be so impatient," the Hokage said with a slight smile. "There are slips of paper inside the box Anko is holding, and each of you will take one." Anko stepped up to Yukima, who was at the front of the line and let her draw a slip before heading on down the line. "One person," she reminded. When everyone had a slip, the Hokage told them to read out the number on their slip.

"3" ~Yukima
"7" ~Tanuki
"1" ~Naruto
"10" ~Ginko
"4" ~Sakura
"11" ~Temari
"9" ~Kankuro
"5" ~Gaara
"12" ~Shikamaru
"2" ~Neji
"8" ~Shino

"So Uchiha will be number 6," Ibiki said as he began to finish writing out everyone's names in the respective areas. "And now Ibiki will reveal the match order for the tournament!" the Hokage said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "What?!" Naruto shouted, causing a vein to pop on Tanuki's head. Irritated with the blondes loud mouth, she turned and brought her fist down on his head. "Will you shut the fuck up? You're pissin' me off and givin' me a mother-fuckin' headache!" Naruto pouted and glared at the brunette as best he could as he stepped closer to his cousin.

Ibiki turned the drawing pad towards the line of Genin, showing them who they would fight.

Naruto Uzumaki
Neji Hyuuga

Sakura Haruno

Sasuke Uchiha

Shino Aburame

Ginko Uzumaki

Shikamaru Nara

'Neji Hyuuga right off the bat? I never dreamed of a better opponent!' ~Naruto

'Perfect.' ~Neji

'Looks like I've got the pinkette. This should be interesting.' ~Yukima

'I know next to nothing about her skills... how am I supposed to train properly if I don't know what's good or not?' ~Sakura

'Uchiha, huh?' ~Gaara

'Bug freak? Should be easy enough.' ~Tanuki

'...' ~Shino

'I've got Ginko? Well, I'm dead... If not by Ginko's hand then by Gaara's... ~Kankuro


Yes! I've always wanted to fight Kankuro!' ~Ginko

'What? The finals are a simple tournament?' ~Temari

'Man, I've got to fight that one Sand chick? What a drag...' ~Shikamaru

"Now then," the Hokage started, "It's time for you to go plan your strategies, rest up, or whatever you please. We're all finished here... unless any of you have any questions?" Shikamaru lazily raised his hand in the air. "Yes?"

"You said this is a tournament, so there's only one winner, right? Then does that mean only one person gets to become a Chunin?" The Hokage smiled at the boys' question as he said, "No, that's not the case. For the finals, you will be observed by many judges. Not only me, but the Kazekage, the Raikage, and the rulers and Shinobi leaders of countries that will be requesting missions, as well. Based on your performance in the tournament, those judges will assign you an absolute value and all those who are deemed to have sufficient ability to be a journeyman ninja. Even those who may have lost in the first round can become Chunin."

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