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Aphmau's pov

I awoke to a bright warm light on my face. I slowly opened my tired eyes and smiled. I could hear the song of the ocarina that Zoey always plays. I got up out of bed and changed into my favorite dress. It was purple with white lace going down the front of it. Then, I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said as I brushed my hair. Laurence, my guard came into the room and he smiled at me.

"Wow Aphmau......I can't believe tomorrow you're going to be 17." Laurence looked a little sad and I laughed. "Laurence, don't look so sad." I said with a smile and patted his shoulder. "Okay, I have to go now though. Mom and dad need me for some reason." I said as I grabbed my skirts and hurried out my room. I walked down the stairs of the castle and greeted the maids that I passed by.

When I got downstairs my mom looked like she was about to cry. "Is everything okay?" I asked and my dad smiled sadly at me. " know you are turning 17 tomorrow right?" I nodded my head and he said slowly "Do you know what you have to do when you turn 17 right?" I shook my head and my dad took a deep breath and said "Aphmau, Irene- your mother and I have been talking."

I waited "We have been talking about how O'khasis and Phoenix Drop are at war and we have come up with a solution." I nodded and asked "What is it?" Then, tears started falling down my moms face and she said "Enki, please no. Don't." My dad looked down and said "Irene, It's going to be okay." I was really confused and I asked "What? What is going on?"

"Aphmau." My dad said " are going to marry the eldest son of O'khasis" I froze and stared at him in shock. "Wh-what?" I asked my voice faltering. "I'm sorry but for this war to stop.....we needed to arrange a marriage and because you are going to be the age tomorrow.....we thought that we could settle this." I took a step back and said in a shaky voice "But you can't force me to marry someone I don't love."

My dad looked down and my mom had to leave the room. "Go pack your things. You will be leaving tomorrow morning for O'hkasis." I was too shocked that I couldn't even move. Tears welled up in my eyes and I yelled "No! I am not getting married to a person I don't know or love!" I ran out the room and heard my dad call my name. I ran up the stairs and into my room and slammed the door behind me.

"No....why is this happening?" I asked myself. I knew there was nothing I could do to stop the marriage but I did know one thing. I opened my window and saw Laurence. "Laurence!" I called "Go saddle up Ungrth!" I watched as Laurence disappeared to go to the wyvern stables. I pulled out a purple backpack from under my bed and started packing a few things I needed.

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