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Garroth's pov

"Garroth, who are you?"

Aphmau asked and I froze. "Wh-what do you mean?" I asked concerned. "I mean, everyone one we run into keeps acting surprised or something that we are together." Aphmau said. I bit the inside of my cheek and shook my head. "Um, it's nothing really. People may just mistaken us for some.......other people." I said hoping that it would stop this conversation.

Aphmau just sighed and sat at the table. We ate and I payed for the inn. "So what happened with you and Laurence?" Aphmau asked and I smiled. "Oh....nothing much." I lied.
I grabbed Laurence and forced him into my room. He looked at me shocked and I asked worried "You know who I am don't you?" Laurence nodded and said "Yes, I know who you are. You are the eldest son of O'khasis." I nodded and begged. "Please, please do not tell Aphmau. I can't have her finding out." Laurence was trying to stop himself from laughing and I frowned.

"What?" I asked and Laurence's laughing slowed. " are funny. Do you not realize who Aphmau is?" Laurence asked still trying not to laugh. I shook my head and said "I need not to know who Aphmau is may think its weird but........I have fallen in love with her." Laurence's eyes widened and he smiled sadly and asked. "Are you in love with the princess of Phoenix Drop?"

I shook my head and said "No, I will never fall in love with that princess. My heart is already captivated by Aphmau." Laurence sighed and shook his head. "How can you not realize?" Laurence whispered. I was confused then he said "Well, don't worry. I won't tell Aphmau anything okay. I'll take my leave now."
End of flashback
Aphmau and I left the inn and went on our way. As we walked I could hear a man yell out. "You cannot arrest me! Do you know who I am!?" I looked over and saw a man with a mustache and a guard was trying to arrest him. "Yes I kno-" "I am Chad G. Augustine Au'Leopold the III!!!" The man cut the guard off. "What is going on?" Aphmau asked and then the man broke free from the guard.

He ran up to Aphmau and started getting up in her face. "Do you know who I am!?" He asked. Aphmau shook her head and he yelled "I am Chad G. Au-uuuuuhhh..." the man was cut off when the guard hit him in the head with the hilt of his sword. "Umm, I-I'm so sorry about what happened.......he won't bother you again." The guard smiled. "Oh, if you need anything I will be over there. My name is Cloud. Sorry for the trouble."

He grabbed the man named Chad and dragged him out of the way. Aphmau laughed and I asked "Are you alright?" She nodded and said "Yeah. Just kinda shocked." I smiled and we went on our way. We left Meteli and we were on the path when I heard something in the trees. I stopped and Aphmau looked at me. "What is it?" She asked and I drew my sword.

"Stay back." I said and I looked to the trees. Then, out of nowhere I was pushed down and a dark purple blade was pointed at my throat. The man who was holding the sword had a black hood on and it was open at the front showing off his six pack. "Garroth!" Aphmau yelled as she pulled out her sword. "Take the girl." The man said and a girl with blue hair grabbed Aphmau and pinned her arms behind her back.

"Let her go!" I yelled and the blade pressed harder against my throat. "Garroth!" Aphmau yelled as she was tossed in the back of a carriage. "Aphmau!" I yelled as I was hit in the head.

"Let's go."

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