Guards of Phoenix Drop

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Garroth's pov

"I am the eldest son of O'khasis."

I said and Aphmau's eyes widened even more. She was a blushing mess and her hands were over her mouth. "Y-you......I am supposed to marry you." Aphmau said. I looked down and let out a small laugh. "Who knew fate would bring us together like this." I said jokingly. "How did I not know this?" Aphmau asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm more surprised that you didn't recognize me being the eldest son."

Aphmau nodded and asked "Now what?" I didn't know what to do now. If we return we will get married but.....I am still not ready we just met. "We can still wander around." I suggested and Aphmau smiled. "Really?" I nodded and she hugged me. " Thank you it's just.....I'm not ready to get married." Aphmau said while hugging me. "Yeah, I'm not ready either." I said returning the hug.

We have come so far we can't just abandon this fun time because is we do return Phoenix Drop and O'khasis will be one large kingdom. They will join in one and Aphmau would be queen and I'd be king. I JUST turned nineteen. I'm not ready to lead a kingdom yet. Aphmau moved away from me and blushed again. "S-sorry.....I just go caught in the moment." She said awkwardly.

I smiled and said "It's fine. Now, let's find a nice place we can camp until we actually find a place to settle before we return." I said and Aphmau nodded. I set up camp at the end of the cliff and I looked down into the forest. It was a very large forest with tons of trees. You would probably get lost in there if you didn't have a map or supplies. It was a quiet night. Neither Aphmau nor I were speaking.

I looked at the moon and it was shining brightly. It was only a half moon but it was still beautiful. I started to feel tired and then I felt Aphmau start leaning on me. I looked over and she was asleep, resting her head on my shoulder. I tried not to move so Aphmau wouldn't fall. My face started to heat up and I looked at Aphmau's face. She looked so beautiful.

I looked away and blushed even more. After some time I ended up falling asleep. I awoke to Aphmau shaking me. "Wh-what?" I asked as I sat up from the ground. "Hurry Garroth." She whispered. I looked around and saw a blue haired man walking around in the woods. "We need to go NOW" Aphmau whispered again and I understood. I grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder only to have a cup fall out of it.

"Huh." I heard the blue haired man say as he looked in our direction. "Aphmau!" He yelled with worry. "Quickly Garroth! We need to go!" We were about to start running but then more guards appeared out of the trees blocking our path. There was no way to escape except behind us but that would cause us to jump off of a giant cliff. "Please Aphmau, come back to Phoenix Drop." The blue haired man said.

He took a step forward and Aphmau shook her head. "No, I don't want to return Dante." Aphmau said as she grabbed my hand. "What is going on?" I asked quietly and Aphmau whispered back. "Those guards are Dante, Dale, Corry (I think that's how it's spelled) and Travis." Those were the best guards of Phoenix Drop! "Aphmau, do you trust me?" I asked in a whisper.

"Why wouldn't I?" Aphmau asked and I smiled.


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