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Aphmau's pov

"Aphmau is that you?"

An all too familiar brown haired boy asked. "L-Laurence." I stuttered. "Aphmau it's you!" Laurence yelled and hugged me tightly. "What are you doing in Meteli?" I asked and he pulled away from me. "Your parents sent me here to look for you. Don't worry, I'll tell them that I haven't seen you." He said with kind eyes. Garroth looked shocked and Laurence said "Who is this?"

I remembered Garroth was standing there and I said "Oh! Laurence, this is Garroth, Garroth, this is Laurence......that stable boy." I elbowed Laurence in the side and he seemed to get what I meant. "O-oh yes. I am a stable boy with a sword......." Laurence said and it took me everything to not start laughing. Then Laurence seemed to realize something. "Wait.......Garroth?" He asked.

"Wait Aphmau. I thought you were running away from O'khasis?" He asked and Garroth grabbed Laurence and ran off. I was shocked but shrugged my shoulders. What was that all about? I decided to head to my room. When I got inside I realized how dirty my dress was and I opened the nightstand drawer. It had a nightgown and a purple shirt with black shorts.

This is what I love about Meteli. Thy always have extra cloths in the inn room. I put the nightgown on and heard a knock at my door. I opened it and saw Laurence. "Come in Laurence." I said with a smile. " you really not realize who that is?" I tilted my head in confusion and said no. Laurence sighed and said "Aphmau.....just think really hard.....who is he?" Laurence asked.

"Stop treating me like I'm stupid Laurence. I don't care who Garroth is. He is a nice man who saved me so I owe him my life." Laurence looked upset and he grabbed me by my shoulders and hugged me. "Do you love him?" He asked and I blushed. "What are you saying Laurence!? He is just a travel companion." I said embarrassed. "Aphmau. Do you love me?" Laurence asked concerned.

I smiled and said "Of course Laurence. You are like a brother to me so of course I love you." Laurence pulled away from me and his cheeks were tinged red. "Aphmau." He said "I am going to tell you this but I if you don't feel the same I don't want this to ruin our relationship." I nodded and he took a deep breath. "I love you Aphmau. More than a sister.......more like......I want us to d-date."

My eyes widened and I smiled at Laurence. "I-I'm sorry Laurence......but I don't feel the same." Laurence smiled and said "It's okay. I will be waiting for your return to Phoenix safe." He started to walk away and I yelled "Wait!" Laurence stopped and looked at me. I kissed him on the cheek and said "Be safe." Laurence smiled and nodded.

I ended up falling asleep late at night. I couldn't stop thinking. I wanted to know what Laurence meant when he told me to think really hard who Garroth is. I sighed and slowly drifted off. I was awoken by a knock at my door and I got up. I opened the door and saw Garroth standing there. "Hi Garroth." I smiled. He smiled back and said "The innkeeper was nice enough to make us breakfast."

"Okay." I replied. I shut the door and got changed into the purple shirt and black shorts. I went downstairs and saw Garroth at one of the tables.

"Garroth, who are you?"

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