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Garroth's pov

"I love you too."

I heard Aphmau's faded voice shakily say. I felt her hand squeeze mine and she laid her head on my chest. I hurt very, VERY badly all over. I slowly opened my eyes and Aphmau was asleep with her head on my chest. I smiled and looked at the ceiling. Where am I? I didn't want to wake Aphmau so I didn't move. I lifted up my hand and it was covered in cuts an bruises that were bandaged up.

Now I remember what happened. We jumped off that cliff and all I remember was holding Aphmau as tight as I could and a ton of branches hitting my back......then I blacked out. Then, a door opened and I heard someone enter the room. I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. "Miss Aphmau, please wake up now." A young girls voice said. I felt Aphmau move and I guess she had woken up.

"My mom wants you miss, she is just outside the door." The girl said and Aphmau responded with an okay and I could hear her footsteps get quieter. "I know your awake so drink this." The girl said and I opened my eyes. She had long black hair with black ears......a werewolf? "Ah, so you are awake. Drink this and it is not poisoned so drink." The girl said, her facial expression not changing.

I slowly sat up and pain ran through my entire body. "Ah." I grabbed the side of my stomach in pain and slowly sat up all the way. I took the soup from the girl and sipped it. "Where did Aphmau go?" I asked the girl and she pointed to the door. "She went to go talk to my mom. Oh, I should probably tell them that you are awake." She said as she walked out the door.

Then a lady with bright red hair walked in and she smiled at me. "Garroth!" I heard Aphmau yell. She ran out behind the red haired lady and hugged me. I hugged her back and then the lady spoke up. "Now, my name is Kiki." Aphmau pulled away from me and sat down next to me. "My name is Garroth." I said and her eyes widened. "Wow, a I'm meeting a prince and a princess in one day."

Wait, she knows about us being royalty? The woman Kiki smiled and said "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." I let out a breath of relief and she smiled. "Ah, here, drink this and it should help with the pain." Kiki said as she handed me a small potion bottle. I thanked her and drank it in one gulp. It tasted bitter and Aphmau started laughing. "Wh-what?" I asked and she laughed more.

"Y-your face. Hahaha." She laughed and I smiled at her. "How did we get here?" I asked and Kiki sat in front of us. "While I was in the woods collecting berries I could hear branches breaking from the trees and then I heard a loud thump. I found you both next to a river and Garroth, you were almost near death and I guess you were trying to protect Aphmau?" I nodded my head and she continued. "And I brought you guys here."

"Well, thank you for taking care of us." I said and she smiled. "No problem but I wouldn't leave just yet. Garroth your still badly injured so if I were you, I wouldn't go out at all." Kiki said with concern and Aphmau nodded. "But we wouldn't want to be bothering you." Aphmau said and Kiki smiled. "No it's fine, I like company." We thanked her and she left.

"Be more careful."

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