Leaving Kiki's

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Aphmau's pov

"Be more careful."

I said to Garroth worried. "We didn't need to jump off the cliff you know." I said and Garroth blushed. "S-sorry.....it was just....I wasn't ready to go home yet." Garroth said and I smiled at him. Kiki wrapped a large white bandage around Garroth's chest and back. Luckily he didn't break any bones just some really bad bruising. The sun was starting to set and Kiki made us dinner.

We sat at the table and started to eat. "So, what are two people of royalty doing way out here?" Kiki asked and I stopped eating. I took a big gulp and looked over at Garroth. "Well she knows about us being royalty so it should be fine." I nodded and looked back at Kiki. "We are supposed to get married but we aren't ready to just be bound down that fast after just meeting." I said and Kiki smiled.

"Are you two lovers?" Kiki asked and Garroth choked on his soup. "*cough, cough!* wh-what?" Garroth asked and I blushed. "W-we are taking it slow." I said embarrassed and Kiki laughed. Liona rolled her eyes and stood up. "Thanks for the food mom." Liona said as she walked out of the room. We finished eating in awkward silence. I helped Kiki with the dishes and then got ready for bed.

Garroth slept in the guest room while I slept in Liona's room on the floor. I didn't know how lonely it felt without Garroth until now. Usually we would make a fire and go to sleep in our sleeping bags and we would be so close but now I feel cold and lonely. I rolled over onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. I let out a silent sigh. I couldn't sleep.

I got up and walked down the hallway with a candle in hand. I walked outside and the stars were shining brightly. I smiled and set the candle on the railing of the porch. Then, I saw something golden flying around in the sky. I squinted my eyes trying to make out the figure and.........it was Laurence and Ungrth. I froze and blew out the candle.

He was probably sent out to find us. I quietly made my way back into the house and went into the guest room. "Garroth." I whispered as I nudged his shoulder. Garroth rolled over to face me and all of a sudden our faces were really close. I jumped back and ended up falling down. I was blushing but luckily Garroth couldn't see because it was so dark.

"Aphmau?" He asked and I said "Laurence is circling above the house with Ungrth." I could tell Garroth was irritated and he said "But I thought he let you run away." I nodded and said "Yes, he did, but Laurence will go so far. He said that he could stall them for a little bit but once that plan fails he is taking me home." Garroth groaned in frustration and said "We need to go."

Garroth grabbed my hand and I wrote a quick note to Kiki. We went out the back and started to run. I guess Ungrth spotted us because I could hear Laurence yelling out to us. "This way!" Garroth yelled to me as we made a sharp turn. We were running as fast as we could to the trees so they would lose us.


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