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Aphmau's pov


Garroth said and my eyes widened. "Now!" I gripped Garroth's shirt as we jumped off the edge of the cliff. "APHMAU!" Dante yelled and I pulled Garroth closer to me. He hugged me close and I could feel the impact of the branches and a few slivers of wood grazed my skin but Garroth never let go. Then, a large branch appeared and when Garroth hit it, he let out a loud yell and we both went unconscious.

My vision was blurry as I started to open my eyes. I tried to sit up but I felt excruciating pain all throughout my body. "Ah." I laid back down and waited for my eyesight to come back. When it did I saw a dark wood ceiling. I was in a house. Garroth.....I remembered what happened and I sat up too fast so the pain was unbearable. "Woah, woah, lay back down." I heard a girls voice.

I slowly laid back and then a black haired girl appeared in front of me. It made me jump and I hit my head against the hard floor. "Ow." I mumbled as I grabbed my head. "Here, drink this." The girl said. I slowly and carefully sat up and she handed me a bowl of soup. "Um." I looked at the bowl unsure if I should drink it, it could be poisoned. The girl let out a sigh and grabbed the bowl from me.

She took a sip of the soup and handed it back. "See, no poison." She said and I slowly drank the soup. "My mom will be back in a little bit. She had to go get special herbs for your friend there." The girl said as she pointed to someone laying next to me. I looked over and saw Garroth. "Garroth! Is he going to be okay?" I asked as I looked at his bruised face.

"Well, we don't know. But one think I wanna know is who would jump off a cliff thinking they would be safe?" The girl asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. It was just.......we just didn't want to go home." I said as I looked at Garroth's calm sleeping face. "I'm back Liona." I heard a sweet voice call out and the black haired girl smiled.

Then, I noticed she had ears. Much like Kawaii~Chan but......wolf ears. "Coming mom." The girl said and ran out of the room. Then, I saw a red haired lady walk in. "Ah, you have woken up. "She said in a motherly tone. "My name is Kiki, this is my daughter Liona." The woman Kiki said. " M-my name is Aphmau." I said and Kiki smiled. "Now, what is a princess like you doing out here?" She asked.

I didn't answer but instead looked over at Garroth. I just wanted to change the subject. "Is he going to be okay?" I asked and Kiki walked over to him. "I'm not to sure but I think I got the right herbs so it might help." She said as she looked at Garroth's bruises. My body still hurt but I still moved myself closer to Garroth. "I'm going to go fix these up. Take your time to recover." Kiki said as her and Liona left the room.

"This is all my fault." I said as I laid my head softly onto Garroth's chest. "I'm so sorry." I said quietly as a tear fell onto Garroth's white shirt. I laid there crying onto his chest feeling guilty when I heard Garroth mumble. "I.....lo...ve....you." I hugged him tighter afraid I would lose him.

"I love you too."

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