Childhood friends

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Aphmau's pov

"Let's go"

The man said. The carriage started moving and my hands were tied behind my back. "Hey! Let me go!" I yelled. There was nothing but silence for at least an hour. Everything happened so fast that I didn't get to see the faces of my kidnappers. The carriage stopped and a the back door opened. "A-Aaron!?" I yelled in surprise at the black haired man standing front of me.

"What is going on!?" I yelled mad and Aaron untied me. "Sorry Aphmau but this was the only way to get you away from.....him." I frowned and asked "Him?" Aaron nodded and said "Yes Aphmau. He is from O'khasis. You can't just treat those people nicely Aphmau or they'll......" Aaron started looking sad and I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's okay Aaron. Garroth is different."

Aaron's eyes widened and he grabbed me by the shoulders "Aphmau, do you not realize who Garroth is?" I sighed and shook my head. "I'll tell you what I've told everyone. I DO NOT care who Garroth is......I really like Garroth Aaron." I said and smiled at Aaron. Aaron has been my friend ever since I was a small child and he only shows his true side to just me.

"Wait, who was the one who threw me into the carriage?" I asked and Aaron called out "Katelyn get in here!" Then my other childhood friend came into the carriage. "Katelyn!" I yelled excited and hugged her. "Aphmau!" I could heard a faded voice from inside the woods. "Gar-" I was cut off from Aaron putting his hand over my mouth. "What are you doing?" I said as I pulled his hand away.

"I will only accept him if he is brave enough to fight Katelyn and I. We will pose as bandits and you act like you were kidnapped." Aaron said with a smile. "Okay Aaron." I said excited. We always played this game when all three of us were kids including Laurence. We would act like Katelyn, Laurence, and Aaron were very short bandits and I was the kidnapped princess. We loved tricking travelers.

Katelyn tied me up to a tree and grabbed her claw like things. Aaron grabbed his dark purple sword and pulled up his hood. My heart was pounding but I couldn't stop smiling. "Act scared Aphmau." Katelyn whispered and I nodded and let out a giggle. "Help! Garroth help!" I yelled as Katelyn and Aaron hid. "Aphmau!" I heard Garroth yell. I saw him run out of the trees and he looked so relieved that I was safe.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he started to get closer. "Look out Garroth!" I yelled as Katelyn and Aaron jumped out of the tree. Garroth jumped back and blocked Aaron's attack with his diamond blue sword. Garroth and Aaron fought while Katelyn watched from afar making sure nobody would get seriously hurt. Aaron was the most powerfull sword fighter I know and I was very surprised when Garroth kept up with him.

I smiled and then Aaron started running to a tree. He ran up the tree and did a back flip knocking Garroth to the ground. Aaron held his sword to Garroth throat and Garroth stared in shock. "Okay Aaron that's enou-" Katelyn was cut off by Garroth as he swung his leg and kicked Aaron in the shin and made him fall. Garroth quickly grabbed his sword and Aaron's. Garroth held the sword to Aaron's throat and I stared in awe.

"Give her back."

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