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Aphmau's pov

"No Garroth!"

I yelled as he fell unconscious. "Wake up Garroth!" I yelled and shook Garroth. "Hahaha!" I heard someone laughing and that man from that one time appeared. Garroth's brother....he is the youngest prince? "Haha! Finally, I will be able to rid of you two and take the throne for myself." The man laughed. I don't think I caught his name. "Leave us alone!" I yelled at him and he glared daggers at me.

He pulled out his sword and I gripped onto Garroth. "I will end this quick and easy." The man swung his sword down and I squeezed my eyes tightly shut only to hear a sound of metal hitting metal. I opened my eyes and saw Laurence deflecting the man's attack with his emerald sword. "L-Laurence..." I mumbled and he smiled. "Sorry I'm late." He said jokingly and the man growled.

"Sorry Zane but I don't think the world is ready for you being lord." Laurence said with a smirk and whistled. Dante, Corry, and Dale jumped out of the bushes and held their swords to Zane. "This is not the end!" Zane yelled and Dale knocked him out. "Aphmau....let's go home." Laurence said as he held his hand out to me. I hesitated to take his hand and he grabbed mine and pulled me up.

"Are you okay?" Laurence asked and I nodded. Laurence hugged me and sighed. "Let's go." Laurence said as he pulled Garroth up and put him over Ungrth's back. Laurence and I got on Ungrth's back and we started to fly through the sky. It was a warm night and the warm breeze felt nice on my cold skin. I hugged Laurence's back and started to fall asleep.

I awoke in a familiar room. I herd barking and I looked down and saw......Celestia! "C-Celestia!" I yelled excited as she jumped into my arms and gave her a tight hug. Then there was a knock at the door. "Are you awake Aphmau?" A familiar voice asked. It was the voice of my mother.....Irene. "Yes.....I am." I said and she opened the door. She had tears in her eyes and she hugged me tight.

We hugged and then my mother asked "Are you going through with the marriage?" I remembered Garroth and what happened to him. "Is Garroth okay!?" I yelled out in concern and my mother nodded her head elegantly. "Yes, he will be fine." She said with a warm smile that would turn every heart good. "I'm scared.....we both still barely know each other." I said still nervous about the whole wedding thing.

My mom smiled and said "I hope you will marry Garroth for the sake of your home Aphmau." She said and I looked down. I still wasn't ready but I needed to think about my people....all my friends that O'khasis could easily destroy. My mother gave me a light kiss on the cheek and left the room. I didn't know when the wedding would start but Garroth and I weren't allowed to see each other until the wedding day.

I sighed as I sat on my bed. I fell backwards and I was holding onto a book. I threw the book aside and looked at my ceiling and sighed once again. It had been four days since we were brought home. It turns out that Phoenix Drop is not allowed to arrest Zane, the third prince for attempted murder but instead we got in trouble for causing it.

"Aphmau it's me."

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