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Aphmau's pov

I climbed down a vine crawling up to my window. When I reached the ground I let out a tired sigh. "I should go see Dante and Kawaii~Chan too before I leave." I said as I walked to the little house on a hill. I knocked on the door and it opened and I saw Kawaii~Chan. "Aphmau~senpai!" She said excited and hugged me. "What is Aphmau~senpai doing here so early in the morning?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"I just came to say hi." I said trying to hide the sadness in my voice. "And, I came to tell you that I won't be able to babysit Nekoette for a while." Kawaii~Chan tilted her head and then touched my face. "Aphmau~senpai, why are you crying?" Kawaii~Chan asked and I gasped. "I-I'm not crying." I said but then I couldn't stop crying. "Aphmau~senpai!" Kawaii~Chan yelled and hugged me.

"S-sorry.....I just need to go. Say bye to Dante and Dmitry." I said as I ran off. I walked on the stone path leading to the plaza and I saw Kiki feeding her animals. I am going to miss them all dearly can't just force marriage. I sat in the grass and looked up at the clouds. I reached out and smiled. I felt at peace. I listened to people walking on the stone and the sound of the village children playing.

The sun soon started to set and I walked back to the castle. I walked to the dining hall and then stopped when I heard my dads voice. "Irene, please don't cry. Aphmau is old enough now and she will learn to love him." My dad said in a calm voice. "Enki I know, but what are we going to do if Aphmau doesn't except him?" My mom said in a quivering voice. "She will learn to love him, she has no choice."

I started to feel really angry and I threw open the door. "You can't make choices for me!" I yelled and ran upstairs. "Ungrth!" I yelled out my window and the golden dragon flew to my window. "Goodbye." I said to my room. I grabbed my backpack and jumped onto Ungrth's back. "Come on Ungrth." I said and he nodded. "Where to M'lady?" He asked and I said "Scaleswind."

"APHMAU!" I heard my dad yell as Ungrth soared through the sky. I looked down and saw my dad in front of the castle and I felt a pain in my heart. I looked at him and mouthed the words I'm sorry and flew into the night sky. I laid my head on Ungrths neck. I felt tears stream down my face. An hour passed and it felt like it was taking forever to get to Scaleswind.

Ungrth seemed like he was getting thirsty and I saw Chocolate village below us. "Ungrth, land here for the night." Ungrth nodded and flew to the ground. I got off of Ungrth and grabbed his reins. I walked him to a stable and payed the man at the stable to let Ungrth stay. I pulled a hood over my head so nobody would recognize me as the princess and I was walking to an inn until my arm was grabbed.

"Hey!" I yelled and I spun around. A man stood there with a knife in his hand and he said "Give me your coins!" I tried to pull out of his grip and he growled "Did ya hear me!" He pulled off my hood and smirked. "Heh, the king is lookin' for ya princess." He said and I tried to pull away. "Let go!" He smirked and said "I wonder how much he would pay to get you back?"

"Let go!" I yelled and kicked him in the shin. "Arg! Get back here!" I started to run and it didn't help with no guards out. I ran and was suddenly pulled back again. "Take this!" The man yelled as he lifted the knife up. I closed my eyes expecting to me stabbed but instead I heard the man grunt. I opened my eyes and saw him laying on the ground holding his face.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked and I turned around. His diamond blue eyes reflected off the moon and his sandy blond hair blew in the small whispers of wind.

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