Going to Meteli

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Aphmau's pov

"Where are you from?"

Garroth asked. I froze afraid that if I moved he would know everything. "U-um.....really far away." I managed to squeak out and he narrowed his brow. "But where?" He asked and I swallowed. "F-from.....Scaleswind." I lied. Garroth smiled and said "I'm from Brightport." (A/N that's obviously a lie) I smiled back at him and he stretched. Then, I just realized but we were in a house.

"Where are we?" I asked and Garroth seemed like he remembered. "Oh yeah, we are in a witches house." My eyes widened and I said "A witch!?" I smiled and said excited "Where is she?" I looked around and Garroth shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know but I think she might be asleep." I nodded and said "We should probably go." Garroth agreed and before we left the house, I left five gold coins for the witch.

We walked outside of the house and I remembered what happened yesterday. "Why were you running from O'khasis guards?" I asked and Garroth stopped but then kept walking. "U-um......I-I just sort of um u-upset them a.....little." Garroth stuttered and it sounded like a lie but I decided no to push it further. We walked in silence and we were on our way to Meteli.

"Why are we going to Meteli?" I asked and Garroth replied "I think it would be good to get a few supplies before we do any big traveling." I agreed and once again, everything was silent. We waked half the day in silence and I was growing tired. "Let's take a break." Garroth said and I nodded. I sat down and got a drink of water from a small river.

"So Garroth, where did you get that small golden wyvern?" I asked remembering that small dragon. Garroth smiled and said "Well I've had him ever since I was little. I found him in the pala- in a garden." Garroth said cutting off a word. The sun was starting to set and Garroth asked "Who was your friend who lent you that wyvern?" I smiled sadly remembering my friend, Laurence's face.

"He was a great guy, his name was Laurence." Garroth's eyes widened and said "Your friends with that guard in Phoenix Drop?" I froze and shook my head. I knew I had to lie but I felt really bad about it. "Um no, he was a stable boy." I said trying to hid my nervousness. Garroth smiled at me and stretched. "I guess we should hurry to Meteli if we don't want to get lost in the dark." Garroth said.

I nodded and we left to continue. As we walked I felt like I heard something. Garroth seemed to too and he clutched a sword on his belt. "Shh." Garroth whispered. I looked around and then saw something run past us. I jumped and grabbed onto Garroth's sleeve. "Haha." I heard a voice laugh and I looked around. "What is that?" I asked and Garroth frowned.

Then, a man in a black cloak came out of the shadows. I hid behind Garroth and the man had a hood so we couldn't see his face. "Well, well, well, heh, look what I found." The voice said and Garroth's frown deepened. "Go away." Garroth said with clenched teeth. "Oh, that's not a nice way to treat family." The man said. I could tell he was smiling.

Then, the man pulled down his hood and his black hair was shining in the moonlight and his blue eyes look magnificent.

"Hello big brother."

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