A witches house

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Garroth's pov


I yelled as she fell to her knees. "I'm so sorry!" I yelled just noticing her gasping for air unconscious. I took a deep breath and picked her up bridal-style. "I'm so, so sorry." I said as I began walking. Where are we? I asked myself mentally. As I walked, Aphmau's breathing slowed down. She must have caught her breath. I felt so horrible about me doing that.

I grimaced at the pain in my hand where she had cut me. It hurt putting pressure on it, not that Aphmau's heavy! I sighed and then saw a small cabin. "Oh, please someone be there." I hurried to the door and knocked on it. I heard an owl hoot and I was confused. I heard the door unlock and a girl with long orange hair with a white witch hat and a white dress opened the door.

She frowned at me and I begged "Please help. My friend fainted please help her." The lady sighed and motioned me to come in. "Thank you." I said and walked in. I set Aphmau down on the couch and the lady came over. "What happened?" She asked and I said "We were running and I guess I pushed her too hard and she fainted." Felt bad about just saying it and the lady raised an eyebrow.

She shrugged her shoulders and said. "I'm Lucinda, this is Bigglesworth my owl. All this girl needs is rest but I will make a potion to help her." I nodded and looked back at Aphmau. I smiled at her but felt horrible. Lucinda came back with a cup of soup and a potion. She handed me the soup and I thanked her. "Have her drink this when she wakes up. You can stay here tonight."

I thanked her once again and drank the soup. I started to feel a bit drowsy and ended nodding off into sleep. I awoke to the sound of Bigglesworth hooting in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw Aphmau had my hand in hers. She was still sleeping and I felt my cheeks grow hot. I slowly separated my hand away from hers and stood up. Aphmau looked so peaceful but then she started moving.

She looked like she was dreaming but it didn't seem like a good one. She started mumbling but then I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. "Aphmau!" I yelled as I started shaking her shoulders. "Aphmau wake up!" I yelled and she gasped as she woke up. She looked at me shocked and tears were falling from her face. She didn't say anything, she just grabbed me and hugged me.

I started blushing and Aphmau said "Sorry......it was just a dream." She pulled away from me and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her dress. It was covered in mud and looked expensive. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a nobles daughter.......or even royalty. She smiled sadly at me and I asked "Are you okay? It seemed more like a nightmare."

Aphmau nodded and said "I-It was nothing." She then saw the potion and I remembered I had to give it to her. "Oh yeah, here drink this, the lady who owns this place told me to give it to you when you woke up." Aphmau took the potion and guzzled it down. She shuttered but then shook her head. "Ew, its bitter." I smiled and she smiled back.

"Where are you from?"

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